Plants of the Week
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Protea cynaroides
Surely the best known protea, prized worldwide as a magnificent cut flower and in South Africa honoured as the national flower....
Cotyledon barbeyi
This is an easy to grow succulent plant with attractive shiny red flowers....
Chasmanthe floribunda 'Duckittii'
Chasmanthe floribunda ''Duckittii' is an attractive deciduous, winter-growing, cormous geophyte with fresh green sword-shaped leaves and spikes...
Aloe ferox
This is one of the best known South african plants with a long history of medicinal use. An attractive form of Aloe ferox is found in KwaZulu-Natal,...
Coleonema aspalathoides
Coleonema aspalathoides forms a dense upright shrub, 0.5 - 1 m tall. Bright pink, star-shaped flowers, 8-10 mm in diameter, are borne singly but in profusion...
Ptaeroxylon obliquum
Ptaeroxylon (pronounced 'teroxillon') is a direct Greek translation meaning sneeze and wood; obliquum refers to the oblique leaflets. Umtata in...
Loxostylis alata
A small, well-shaped tree with glossy foliage tinged with red when young and masses of white flowers in early summer, and if the tree is a female it has...
Aloe striata
Protea neriifolia
Protea neriifolia is an excellent plant for the garden and an outstanding and long lasting cut flower....
Felicia echinata
Felicia echinata is easy to recognize by its glossy leaves that are edged with small white teeth and curved to form a sharp tip. This prickly protection...
Buddleja salviifolia
This small tree is deliciously scented in early spring....
Elegia tectorum
This restio makes a most attractive garden plant, and can be used for thatching....
Erica cerinthoides
Clivia miniata
A striking plant, an international star, with its dark green leaves and trumpet-shaped orange flowers, Clivia miniata is the ideal plant for the...
Hermannia saccifera
Hermannia saccifera is fairly widespread along the southern coast of South Africa, where it occurs on stony clay slopes from the Riviersonderend mountains...
Acokanthera oppositifolia
The Bushman's poison is a medium to large woody shrub with attractive hard dark green leaves. ...
Veltheimia bracteata
Veltheimia bracteata is a beautiful deciduous bulb with a moderate to fast growth rate. The inflorescence is a dense raceme of tubular flowers carried...
Erythrina acanthocarpa
This is a very attractive shrub with striking red and green flowers....
Schotia brachypetala
A handsome tree with a wide-spreading, rounded crown, and bright red, nectar-filled flowers in spring and early summer that attract many birds and insects;...
Felicia elongata
Felicia elongata is a striking perennial daisy, with large white or mauve flowers. What makes this Felicia so different from the other felicias, is the...