Plants of the Week
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Pavetta schumanniana
What? A poisonous (or poisoned) bride? Surely that is the starting-point of a third-rate horror movie, or a children's fairy tale! No, in fact the...
When in full flower, these trees or shrubs truly remind one of a beautiful, radiant bride stunningly dressed in a specially designed white garment! As...
Pavetta cooperi
Pearsonia sessilifolia
The sulphur-yellow flowers of Pearsonia sessilifolia, once pollinated, turn bright organge, signalling to their pollinators to reserve their resources...
Pelargonium abrotanifolium
This small flowering shrublet with aromatic foliage provides beauty and colour all year round to any arid garden and rockery....
Pelargonium acetosum
Pelargonium acetosum, with its beautiful shades of salmon-coloured flowers, provides an attractive display in the garden all year round....
Pelargonium hirtum
This is a hardy, waterwise pelargonium ideal for sandy and rocky gardens. It is also well-suited to pots....
Pelargonium acraeum
This pelargonium provides year-round colour to your garden.Illustration by M.E. ConnellFlowering Plants of South Africa vol. 20, plate no. 779...
Pelargonium betulinum
Pelargonium betulinum is dazzling in full flower, deserving of a place in any garden....
Pelargonium capitatum
This pelargonium is cultivated for its rose scented oil....
Protea namaquana
A very localized, rare shrub, distinct in its environment, with flowerheads that have a strong yeasty odour. Protea namaquana is one of the two Proteaceae...
Pelargonium citronellum
Pelargonium citronellum has decorative leaves that have a strong, clean, lemon fragrance....
Pelargonium crassicaule
Pelargonium crassicaule is a succulent plant with dainty, fragile, faintly sweet-scented flowers varying considerably in colour, and has great potential...
Pelargonium crispum
Pelargonium crispum is ideal for any garden as it produces pretty pink flowers for most of the year....
Protea scabra
Protea scabra is a mat-forming, flowering groundcover, commonly known as sandpaper-leaf sugarbush, with cream and brown flowerheads mainly in late winter...
Pelargonium crithmifolium
This plant is the granddaddy of all pelargoniums, as it is one of the bulkiest plants in the Pelargonium group. In cultivation at the Karoo Desert...
Pelargonium denticulatum
Pelargonium denticulatum with its attractive, strongly scented leaves and pinkish purple flowers is an interesting addition to the mixed herbaceous border,...
Protea aristata
Protea aristata would surely be among the five best-known South African proteas, even though it had a rather late documented discovery in the 1920s. It...
Pelargonium echinatum
Pelargonium echinatum is one of the most beautiful winter flowering pelargoniums. It is a stocky, compact, succulent perennial shrublet with spines...