Plants of the Week
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Eulophia speciosa
With its fairly large, bright yellow flowers, Eulophia speciosa, one of the most common and widespread southern African eulophias, is a rewarding...
Eulophia welwitschii
This attractive orchid makes a striking display in summer with its bright yellow inflorescence, especially when occurring in dense stands. It is often...
Euphorbia barnardii
Euphorbia barnardii is an unusual succulent shrub endemic to the Limpopo Province....
Euphorbia cooperi
Euphorbia cooperi is a succulent tree up to 7 m tall, with conspicuous candelabra-like branches. This plant has milky latex highly poisonous to humans...
Erica annectens
This late summer flowering erica is only found on the Cape Peninsula....
The great charm of the South African euphorbias lies in their varied appeal. They offer something for every taste. A collection may comprise a few selected...
Euphorbia clivicola
This is a critically endangered, low-growing succulent perennial endemic to the Limpopo Province. It has short, spiny, 4-angled branches arising from an...
Encephalartos ghellinckii
The Drakensberg cycad should be not be confused with any other species because of its very narrow and exceptionally revolute leaflets, which are unique...
Euphorbia virosa
Euphorbia virosa has a short twisted main stem with large branches emerging from it. The stems are 4- or 5-angled with a pair of thorns at the edges....
Euphorbia ingens
If you are looking for a low maintenance addition to a rock or suulent garden this large cactus-like tree is ideal. It is well suited to dry areas and...
Erica glomiflora var. glomiflora
Erica glomiflora var. glomiflora is a variable and attractive species exhibiting a wide range of flower shapes and forms that brighten up the southern...
Euphorbia mauritanica
A tall succulent shrub with bright yellow flowers eminently suitable for a rock garden....
Euphorbia obesa
Euphorbia obesa is a peculiar, almost ball shaped dwarf succulent plant that resembles a stone....
Euryops ‘Silver Sunshine’
This Euryops hybrid was discovered in full bloom in Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, much to the delight of the horticulturists, as it is a beautiful,...
Erica retorta
Erica retorta is one of the sticky-flowered ericas that grows on the dry mountain slopes above the Harold Porter National Botanical Garden, in Betty’s...
Euphorbia stellispina
Euphorbia stellispina is a stunning architectural plant and a true survivor in the harsh landscape of the central Karoo and parts of Namaqualand....
Elionurus muticus
Elionurus muticus is an ornamental grass that forms dense tufts with wiry, narrow leaf blades and showy, curved inflorescences. This grass is easily distinguished...
Euphorbia tirucalli
Euphorbia tirucalli has unmistakable, brush-like branch masses that are a noticeable feature of the plant. It occurs over the widest distribution...
Euryops chrysanthemoides
Encephalartos cupidus
Encephalartos cupidus is a very attractive, desirable, frost-hardy, dwarf, multi-stemmed cycad with its usually subterranean stem and blue green leaves,...