Plants of the Week
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Tavaresia barklyi
The neat appearance of the ribbed stems furnished with bristles at first reminds one of a cactus, but when the bizarre trumpet-shaped flowers appear, one...
Teclea gerrardii
The Zulu cherry-orange is an ornamental tree that grows well in sunny or shady positions and invites wildlife to gardens because of its attractive, fleshy,...
Tecomaria capensis
Tephrosia kraussiana
Tephrosia kraussiana is relatively easy to cultivate. Its pinkish-purple flowers will add colour to gardens....
Tephrosia pondoensis
Terminalia phanerophlebia
A decorative shrub to small tree with a hard, heavy brown wood. It is an ideal tree for street planting....
Terminalia sericea
Terminalia sericea is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree which grows up to 9 m, but individual trees can reach 23 m in height....
Tetradenia riparia
An encounter with Tetradenia riparia in flower in the wintry, dry bush is most surprising. There is the impression of soft lilac mist on bare...
Tetragonia decumbens
This widespread dune plant is edible and also performs an important role in stabilizing the sand, enabling the dune to develop into a friendly environment...
Tetragonia fruticosa
A bushy shrub with a yellow-green appearance and a red tinge, and in bright sunlight it appears to glisten, because the plant is covered in striking, minute...
Thamnochortus acuminatus
A dwarf, densely tufted restio, which shows off its large inflorescences, golden-tan sheaths and bracts in spring, when flowering. ...
Thamnochortus bachmannii
Eye-catching bronze-brown flowerheads nod in the breeze as the sun sets over the distant mountains-they capture the rays and turn them into a fire dance....
Thamnochortus cinereus
This is a medium to tall plant, which can be used equally well in a border or as an accent plant. The plants are very decorative with silvery foliage like...
Thamnochortus fraternus
This is a striking and attractive grass-like member of the large restio family. The plants are very uniform in height and the floral bracts are a rich...
Thamnochortus insignis
A stunning accent plant with its slender stems tipped with small, golden-brown inflorescences in late summer, and water-wise too!...
Thamnochortus lucens
This perennial dwarf restio is a plant that will add some dazzle to your garden. The inflorescences are a shiny bronze colour, guaranteed to catch your...
Thamnochortus spicigerus
Thamnochortus spicigerus is a striking, tufted- or tussock-forming perennial that will make a lovely feature in your garden. The dark brown spikelets will...
Themeda triandra
This is a lovely green to blue-green tufted grass that is often flushed with pink and turns red with age. Some forms have bright yellow culms (stems)....
Thereianthus bulbiferus
An attractive plant with moderately dense spikes of light to mid-blue flowers that blossom in abundance in burnt veld, which makes it difficult to miss....
Thesium viridifolium
A much-branched, densely leafy shrub bearing attractive, small, white flowers that are crowded in dense rounded heads at the tips of the branches....