Plants of the Week
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Barleria ovata
This barleria has pretty flowers which change colour and it resprouts from a woody rootstock after fire....
Buxus natalensis
This much-branched shrub to small tree is characterized by its glossy, leathery, dark green leaves that make it most outstanding amongst the rest of the...
Barleria wilmsiana
A beautiful garden plant but difficult to grow....
Blighia unijugata
A medium to large evergreen tree, with sweetly scented flowers that attract butterflies to the garden, followed by pink to red, pear-shaped fruit that...
Bulbine sceletium
Bulbine sceletium is a cliff-squatting, aloe-like plant with sparingly branched rosettes of soft, pale green, striated leaves and solitary inflorescences...
Bulbine capitata
That striking, luminous yellow flower showing off in the grasslands during spring is the beautiful Bulbine capitata, a perennial herb with slender, grass-like...
Brachylaena rotundata
This tree is ideal for small to medium-sized gardens. It produces yellow, thistle-like flowers in spring and has eye-catching, silver-grey leaves, that...
Bulbine keiskammaensis
Bulbine keiskammaensis is an aloe-like plant that hangs from the cliffs of the Keiskamma River in the Eastern Cape. It has drooping, sparingly branched...
Begonia homonyma
A soft, fleshy perennial with a swollen stem base, red-tinged stems and white or pink flowers in summer. It is an attractive, shade garden plant and pot...
Berzelia cordifolia
A small, upright shrub with clusters of ball-shaped, white flower heads in spring....
Barleria lichtensteiniana
Barleria lichtensteiniana, the jewel of the Kalahari....
Berkheya griquana
This robust yellow African Thistle flourishes in the grasslands of East Griqualand.Fig. 1. Bright yellow flower head of Berkheya griquana. ...
Bersama tysoniana
Bersama tysoniana is an attractive tree because of its dense foliage, russet-brown new growth and knobbly fruits that split into quarters, exposing red...
Babiana hirsuta
Babiana hirsuta is a striking, robust, geophytic perennial that produces brilliant but unusual recurved red flowers on long flowering stems....
Brachystelma foetidum
A small, herbaceous perennial from the grasslands, with a large, flattened, underground, potato-like tuber, and unusual purple-brown and greenish yellow...
Babiana praemorsa
The flowers of Babiana praemorsa are beautiful — trumpet-shaped, deep purple, with striking white marks on the lower tepals....
Babiana villosa
Babiana villosa is a spectacular red- or pink-flowered cormous plant endemic to the southwestern Cape. With sufficient care, it performs well in cultivation...
Babiana pygmaea
Despite the anomaly surrounding its specific name, the largest-flowered of all the Babiana species is a rewarding winter- and early spring-flowering cormous...
Bachmannia woodii
Baeometra uniflora
Brilliant orange or sulphur yellow flowers with an arresting dark eye make the beetle lily, Baeometra uniflora, instantly recognizable. This bulbous...