Plants of the Week
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Gonialoe variegata
This plant was previously called Aloe variegata. Gonialoe variegata is one of the best known, and most distinctive of the South African aloes. The characteristic...
Gasteria koenii
Gasteria koenii is an exciting recent discovery, confined to the southern foothills of the Groot Swartberg, near Calitzdorp. The mottled, sickle-shaped...
Gladiolus monticola
When you find yourself walking on the top of Table Mountain in February or March, you might be fortunate to lay eyes on this rare beauty with its delicately...
Gethyllis villosa
Gethyllis villosa is one of the most intriguing members of the Amaryllidaceae family in southern Africa, due to its peculiar hairy, spiral foliage, fleeting...
Gladiolus stefaniae
Gladiolus stefaniae is a cormous, autumn-flowering plant, with exquisite, large, scarlet or carmine blooms. Although rare in the wild, its cultivation...
Gonialoe genus
The uniquely mottled and folded, three-ranked leaves of these miniature variegated aloes make them very popular for container gardening or as a point of...
Gnidia denudata
Gnidia denudata is an attractive bushy shrub with long hairs that gives an effect of silver-like foliage. Like any other Gnidia species, it has terminal...
Gasteria camillae
Gasteria camillae is a slow-growing, dwarf succulent with light grey-green, spreading to recurved leaves in rosettes, proliferating from the base and eventually...
Gasteria visseri
Gasteria visseri is a compact, slow-growing succulent, with dark green, spreading to recurved leaves in a tight rosette, proliferating from the base and...
Galtonia regalis
Galtonia regalis is now called Ornithogalum regale...
Galpinia transvaalica
This tree is part of a small family of herbs, small trees and shrubs found in subtropical and tropical regions. Its attractive flowerheads and coloured...
Garcinia gerrardii
Related to the mangosteen from India, the forest garcinia is not a well-known garden ornamental, but it could be. It has fragrant flowers in early summer,...
Garcinia livingstonei
From time to time one reads of individualists doing strange things and calling it 'living art'. Here is a tree which produces very tasty fruit,...
Gardenia cornuta
The spectacular, large white and yellow flowers with their sweet scent, attracts passersby from a distance to this small, much-branched tree. The smooth,...
Gardenia volkensii
The bushveld gardenia is a small, relatively slow-growing tree, ideal as a focus plant in summer rainfall gardens or on patios....
Gardenia thunbergia
Garuleum bipinnatum
Garuleum bipinnatum flowers come in several colours and have bright yellow centres....
Gasteria acinacifolia
Gasteria acinacifolia is the largest of all Gasteria species, strictly coastal and ideal for coastal gardens. It is at once recognized by its large rosette...
Gasteria batesiana
Gasteria batesiana is a small charming species bearing rough tuberculata brittle leaves. It is ideal for containers in a shady spot. It is at once...
Gasteria croucheri
Gasteria are popular indoor, succulent, aloe-like plants and are easily grown. They are mainly from South Africa (one species just entering southern...