Plants of the Week
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Ceratotheca triloba
Ceratotheca triloba is now known as Sesamum trilobum...
Ceropegia ampliata
Members of the genus Ceropegia are characterized by tubular flowers specially adapted for the temporary capture of insects for pollination purposes. The...
Crassula fascicularis
An elegant little succulent shrub, with beautiful and fragrant spring flowers, ideal for pots, rockeries and fynbos gardens....
Chaenostoma cordatum
Chaenostoma cordatum is the ideal groundcover for that garden spot with varying microclimates. Performing equally well in full sun to shady conditions...
Chaenostoma pauciflora
This is an attractive, dainty-looking, trailing perennial groundcover with small, triangular, dark leaves and tiny white flowers....
Crassula fusca
This is an attractive plant and probably one of the most low maintenance Crassula, as it requires little watering and prefers semi-shade.Fig. 1. Crassula...
Cirsium vulgare
Cirsium vulgare is mostly regarded as a weed or undesirable plant. However, the plants are very attractive and offer lots of rewards for butterflies and...
Chascanum cernuum
Chascanum cernuum is a fine-leaved herbaceous perennial covered with whitish flowers for most of the year. It is well-suited to coastal gardens and light...
Chasmanthe aethiopica
This attractive species is one of the earliest of the Cape bulbs to flower, its spikes of orange, tubular flowers providing welcome interest to the winter...
Chasmanthe bicolor
Chasmanthe bicolor is a highly ornamental garden subject, which stands out from the other two species in this genus. It is one of three species in the...
Chasmanthe floribunda 'Duckittii'
Chasmanthe floribunda ''Duckittii' is an attractive deciduous, winter-growing, cormous geophyte with fresh green sword-shaped leaves and spikes...
Conicosia pugioniformis subsp. pugioniformis
A striking, yellow flowering, die-hard, succulent groundcover, suited to sandy and coastal gardens, rockeries or pots....
Cheiridopsis denticulata
Oh, it's flowering time: it's really awesome to see what mesembs look like when blooming in their natural habitat....
Crassula ericoides subsp. ericoides
A beautiful stand-alone plant that is easy to propagate and works well in pot arrangements and in succulent gardens. This succulent plant is more of a...
Cheiridopsis purpurea
Cheiridopsis purpurea is a small succulent endemic to the Richtersveld in the Northern Cape, with brilliant, intense, magenta-pink flowers....
Cycnium racemosum
An attractive mountain plant found in grassland on rocky outcrops, with large fragrant pink flowers in summer to early winter. Flowers turn black when...
Chironia baccifera
Chironia baccifera is not only a highly ornamental plant, but also one that has many medicinal uses even though it is poisonous to stock....
Chlorophytum bowkeri
A robust perennial herb that makes an impeccable landscape plant, when planted in a mass as a ground cover....
Chironia linoides
Flowering during the warm summer months, usually from Christmas until late February, Chironia linoides adds splashes of colour to the garden. The plants...