Plants of the Week
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Othonna cakilefolia
One of only three Othonna species with pink to magenta florets; its striking, pink daisy-like flower heads, make it a desirable member of the genus.Fig....
Othonna perfoliata
An Othonna with striking yellow flowers, found lurking among tall vegetation, to brighten your garden in the cold winter days....
Ornithogalum regale
The ever so graceful Ornithogalum regale is one of the summer flowering gems of the Drakensberg....
Ornithogalum candicans
The summer hyacinth, with its fragrant bell-shaped flowers, is an ideal accent plant in a mixed bed and is also very suitable for cut flowers. It was previously...
Oxytenanthera abyssinica
A large, woody plant that belongs in the grass family, Poaceae, and is endemic to Africa, known as the holy Venda bamboo, wild bamboo or musununu in South...
Ocotea kenyensis
A big, attractive, fast-growing, evergreen tree of up to 30 m height with a much-branched, rounded canopy of simple, glossy, usually aromatic leaves, with...
Oldenburgia paradoxa
Oldenburgia paradoxa is an unusual cushion-shaped species of the daisy family that grows on rocks in the Cape mountains and looks like an alpine plant....
Olea europaea subsp. africana
Osteospermum incanum subsp. incanum
A vigorous, sprawling, densely-branched, low-growing grey shrub that is suitably equipped to beautify coastal and interior gardens alike. Its grey leaves,...
Othonna arbuscula
A small succulent shrub from the arid areas of southern Africa, which has the appearance of a small tree or bonsai....
Ornithogalum princeps
Orthanthera jasminiflora
The relatively unknown small genus, Orthanthera consists of six species: five in Africa and one from India, Pakistan and Nepal. It is unknown whether plants...
Ornithogalum viridiflorum
With its pale green foliage and upright stems crowned with yellowish green, bell-shaped, flowers, Green Berg Lilies make wonderful, ornamental garden plants...
Ocimum obovatum
Erect and sometimes spreading, low-growing perennial herb, this plant is an excellent link between lawn and a shrubby border. It is a good candidate for...
Ozoroa barbertonensis
Ozoroa barbertonensis is different from the rest of the southern African species of Ozoroa, with its beautiful, much longer, narrow leaves with shiny upper...
Othonna euphorbioides
A thorny, yet charming, mound-forming species of Othonna with striking yellow flowers to brighten your garden in the cold winter days....
Othonna triplinervia
A succulent shrub that flourishes in heavy, winter rainfall areas. Its rounded growth form and velvety foliage, makes this plant a desirable specimen for...
Osteospermum scariosum
Osteospermum scariosum is a beautiful yellow daisy, the flowerheads often having a striking dark ring around the centre....
Otholobium bracteolatum
A resilient, beautiful, sprawling shrub, not easily missed because of its pretty mauve and white flowers, which are borne in dense rounded inflorescences...
Orbea melanantha
A mat-forming succulent that can spread on the surface of the soil with no trace of underground rhizomes, this water-wise plant will be an excellent addition...