Plants of the Week
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Barleria rogersii
To cover the bare sunny spots between rocks in your garden you need Barleria rogersii....
Barleria scindens
Barleria scindens, not a very well known species in the genus, produces beautiful mauve flowers from February to July. It is ideal for sunny areas...
Barleria mackenii
Barleria mackenii is a medium-sized shrub with mauve, tubular flowers which appear from February to June....
Baleria repens
The small bush violet produces masses of pretty tubular flowers and will happily scramble up into surrounding vegetation if conditions are good....
Barleria rotundifolia
The spiny Barleria rotundifolia is an evergreen shrub that produces beautiful butter-yellow flowers from December to late summer, and is ideal...
Barleria senensis
A hardy indigenous plant suitable for any sunny spot in your garden....
Barringtonia racemosa
This beautiful mangrove tree is easily recognized by its large leaves, delicate white flowers and guava-like fruit that hang in long racemes....
Bauhinia bowkeri
A tall, graceful shrub with arching stems, decorative rounded foliage and fragrant white flowers in early summer, best in warm, dry gardens where frost...
Bauhinia galpinii
With attractive brick red flowers from December onwards this scrambling shrub is a summer delight in many gardens....
Bauhinia natalensis
This is a versatile, dainty shrub with butterfly-shaped leaves and pretty, white, maroon-striped flowers....
Bauhinia tomentosa
This medium to large shrub with its attractive, light green, two-lobed leaves produces beautiful, bright yellow flowers with black to maroon coloured centres...
Babiana fragrans
Begonia dregei
Begonia dregei is a spectacular herbaceous, summer-flowering, shade-loving perennial that makes an excellent indoor display pot plant. It is an evergreen...
Begonia geranioides
Bulbine meiringii
Bulbine meiringii is an obligate cliff-hanger, with soft, drooping leaves and solitary inflorescences bearing yellow flowers in spring. Plants hang from...
Berchemia zeyheri
The Berchemia zeyheri tree is valuable to the people, animals and birds of South Africa....
Berkeya barbata
A beauty to admire but painful to touch: handle with care. These sunflower-like daisies often make very attractive displays, but the thorns on the leaves,...
Berkheya purpurea
A prickly thistle, Berkheya purpurea turns into a surprisingly beautiful perennial when flowering in midsummer....
Barleria bremekampii
If you are looking for a water-wise prickly hedge or barrier plant, Barleria bremkampii is your answer....
Bersama lucens
Bersama lucens is not a common garden plant, rather a specialist specimen that still needs to be promoted in the garden fraternity....