Plants of the Week
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The Dryopteridaceae is a large and diverse fern family with a near cosmopolitan distribution. Arachniodes (East Indian holly fern), Cyrtomium (net-veined...
Drosanthemum longipes
A remarkable, summer dormant, scrambling, leaf succulent, with magenta-pink flowers in winter, re-sprouting annually in autumn, producing many stems from...
Duvernoia adhatodoides
Duvernoia adhatodoides is now Justicia adhatodoides ...
Dymondia margaretae
Dymondia margaretae is a one-of-a-kind, hardy, carpet-forming groundcover with a compact, neat habit and stunning blue-grey foliage. It is perfect for...
Diascia mollis
Sweet, rewarding, ground covering herbaceous perennial for both light-sunny and semi-shaded areas, adding bright colour to the garden and hanging baskets...
Dicerocaryum eriocarpum
Dicerocaryum eriocarpum is now known as Sesamum eriocarpum ...
Dicerocaryum senecioides
Dicerocaryum senecioides is now known as Sesamum senecioides ...
Diospyros natalensis
A beautiful, densely branched, evergreen shrub or small tree, with attractive, glossy, dark green leaves, small white flowers in spring and yellowish to...
Dovyalis longispina
‘The Dovyalis with the long spines’, that is how one can make sense of its botanical name. With its bright orange-red, edible fruits and very...
Dicerothamnus rhinocerotis
Although renosterbos is not showy or beautiful, it is an interesting and important component of our indigenous flora. It is the dominant member and the...
Dyschoriste rogersii
A small, evergreen shrub with a very long flowering season, best in semi-shade and with very few natural enemies....
Desmodium setigerum
See Grona setigera...
Diastella thymelaeoides subsp. meridiana
The Hangklip silkypuff is a rare gem, endemic to the Kogelberg, Hangklip and Betty’s Bay area. Its pretty star-like flowers, present for most...
Desmodium repandum
See Hylodesmum repandum...
Diastella parilis
A rounded, fynbos shrublet, with pleasant pink flowers for more than six months, that is suitable for cultivation in containers....
Disperis woodii
Disperis woodii is a tiny terrestrial orchid, with a cluster of leaves at the base and just one stem that produces a single flower with a long pointed...
Dumasia villosa var. villosa
The beautiful blue seeds of dumasia are what caught my eyes and immediately I thought people should know about this beautiful plant. Also, its linear,...
Dietes flavida
An irid with attractive leaves that is a rewarding garden plant. It has fans of long, narrow and very erect, bluish-green leaves and occasional flowers...
Disa nivea
Its common name may suggest the pure white colour of the flowers, the red spots, however, carries the mystery for its survival, where it occurs in the...
Drimia loedolffiae
A small bulb which grows in dense clusters on riverine cliffs in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Easily grown from division and great for hanging baskets...