Plants of the Week
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Kumara plicatilis
Kumara plicatilis is a unique and striking much-branched shrub or small tree. This plant was previously called Aloe plicatilis....
Kleinia venteri
An unusual, cryptic, stoloniferous succulent up to 70 mm high, with flat, oblong, rolled back, succulent leaves and inconspicuous flowers in winter. This...
Klattia stokoei
This woody irid, with its crimson-red inflorescences, is one of the unique and breathtaking plant species of the Cape Floristic Region; it is endemic to...
Kniphofia acraea
A rare, small Kniphofia that is endemic to South Africa, only known from two areas high in the mountains of the Eastern Cape Province, near Cradock and...
Kalanchoe waterbergensis
A rare, dwarf leaf-succulent from the Waterberg in the Limpopo Province. The flat, broadly egg-shaped, bluish leaves are crowded at the base before flowering...
Killickia grandiflora
The relatively unknown small genus, Killickia, consists of four species: three are endemic to the Drakensberg Mountain Centre and the fourth species has...
Kalanchoe sexangularis
Kalanchoe sexangularis is a hardy and drought-resistant succulent, with decorative red foliage that’s a must-have for the rockery, garden or patio,...
Kleinia cephalophora
Kleinia cephalophora is a striking succulent-stemmed perennial, with blue-green leaves and large, beautiful, nodding flowerheads....
Kniphofia northiae
Kniphofia northiae, is an award-winning, gigantic red-hot poker, its striking architectural leaves and hardiness making it significant in gardening.Fig....
Knowltonia vesicatoria
Knowltonia vesicatoria is now called Anemone vesicatoria....
Knowltonia capensis
Knowltonia capensis is now called Anemone knowltonia ...
Knowltonia bracteata
Knowltonia bracteata is now called Anemone bracteata....
Kumara genus
With their strap-like leaves arranged in the shape of a fan—hence the common names applied to the two species included in Kumara—these plants...
Kniphofia porphyrantha
Kniphofia porphyrantha is a small, red-hot poker with numerous flowering stems, upright leaves becoming reflexed, and beautiful bi-coloured orange-red...
Kleinia longiflora
Kleinia longiflora is an unusual, succulent shrub, with striking, thin, pencil-shaped, segmented, upright or sprawling stems, that is drought resistant...
Kniphofia rooperi
This evergreen perennial produces beautiful flowers with buds ranging from bright red to orange-yellow and the actual flowers ranging from orange-red to...
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora
A striking addition to a succulent rockery or grassland garden, this plant stands tall with its striking white leaves and yellow flowers, at a time of...
Kniphofia thodei
Kniphofia thodei is a monocotyledonous perennial herb with distinctive bicoloured red and white flowers. Plants are usually solitary, unlike many other...
Kalanchoe longiflora
Kalanchoe longiflora is a little-known succulent shrub with attractive multi-hued foliage and yellow flowers in autumn to winter. It is suitable for...
Kalanchoe rotundifolia
A brittle succulent plant which grows up to 1 m tall under favourable conditions. It is a delightful little plant that puts up a brave show in clumps among...