Plants of the Week
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Moraea hiemalis
A threatened species that is endemic to the grasslands of central KwaZulu-Natal, its striking, rich golden yellow flowers stand out in the winter landscape...
Maerua angolensis subsp. angolensis
This frost and drought resistant tree, with its scented flowers from mid-winter until early summer, will attract butterflies and insect-eating birds, in...
Marasmodes dummeri
The extremely small, adpressed leaves of Marasmodes dummeri and the terminal, clustered flower heads make it distinct from other species of the same genus....
Melinis repens
An attractive, yet hardy tufted grass, which requires little maintenance for a showy display in spring and summer....
Mentha aquatica
A splendorous plant with purple flowers clustered in balls on the internodes of the stems, to entice anyone passing by the marshy field. Not only are you...
Mesembryanthemum varians
Mesembryanthemum varians was previously known as Sceletium varians. It is known to have few medicinal properties — unlike Mesembryathemum...
Monsonia glauca
This is a perennial herb with a woody base growing in scrubby grassland....
Melianthus elongatus
Moraea polystachya
Pretty but dangerous (to live-stock, that is)! In a good year, usually in autumn, the large, deep blue to violet or occasionally white, iris-like flowers...
Microloma sagittatum
The uniquely attractive flowers of Microloma sagittatum draw attention to this otherwise insignificant, plain looking, slender climber that grows in between...
Maytenus procumbens
As the species name suggests, Maytenus procumbens is a tidy and procumbent coastal shrub or small tree. It is very pleasing to the eye especially with...
Macledium spinosum
Cushion-forming, grey-felted shrublet with involucral bracts forming stout, spreading spines....
Mackaya bella
A graceful shrub or small tree with slender branches bearing glossy, dark green leaves and beautiful sprays of showy, white to mauve, bell-shaped flowers...
Macledium zeyheri
The doll's protea is a strikingly attractive plant found in the grasslands of the eastern parts of South Africa, and used in traditional medicine. ...
Macrostylis squarrosa
Macrostylis squarrosa is a very attractive, densely bushy shrub of about 700 mm high. When it flowers in spring and summer, it is dotted with small...
Macrostylis villosa
Macrostylis villosa is a neat compact aromatic shrub producing clusters of white flowers over a long flowering period. Planted together with other...
Maerua cafra
This is an unusual, very attractive little tree, especially when covered in fragrant white flowers in early spring. You may need to be patient...
Maesa lanceolata
An apple-green tree-shrub gives shade to a cool, inviting stream: this idyllic prospect is repeated a million times in KwaZulu-Natal , South Africa 's...
Species of the mesemb genus Malephora enliven some of the most arid gardens of southern Africa with their brightly coloured flowers and vigorous, creeping...
The relatively unknown genus Marasmodes is confined to the lowlands of the south-western Western Cape and occurs in the critically endangered Renosterveld...