Plants of the Week
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Diospyros simii
This fast-growing shrub or small tree grows well in sun or semi shade. It produces white flowers in spring, followed by decorative, orange-red, edible...
Diastella divaricata subsp. divaricata
A sprawling, creeping, rounded shrub dotted with small, pink inflorescences, that gives the best year-round display in a fynbos garden, and is a champion...
Diastella divaricata subsp. montana
Delosperma frutescens
The dwarf tree mesemb is a long-lived, slow-growing, ascending, much branched, tree-shaped mesemb with greyish, smooth stems, succulent greyish-green leaves...
Dyschoriste setigera
This is a delightful low-growing groundcover up to 150-300mm high that requires little or no maintenance and is particularly suitable for water-wise gardens...
Drosanthemum aasvoelbergense
The Aasvoelberg mesemb is a rare endemic of the upper south-facing cliffs of the Aasvoelberg, north west of Willowmore in the Eastern Cape. The sprawling...
Delosperma nubigenum
The cloud-born delosperma is a mat-forming leaf succulent which becomes pendent on cliffs. It is endemic to the Drakensberg and highlands of Lesotho where...
Dimorphotheca chrysanthemifolia
Dimorphotheca chrysanthemifolia is an upright shrublet with distinctive coarsely toothed leaves and magnificent large golden-yellow flowerheads which are...
Delosperma saxicola
A rare endemic of the coastal cliffs of the Tsitsikamma National Park. Its mat-forming habit makes it a great ground cover, especially for seafront, water-wise,...
Diastella fraterna
The Palmiet silkypuff is a decorative shrublet with a sprinkling of pretty puffy white flowers almost all year round....
Dierama tysonii
The graceful hairbells are one of our most loved native plants; these perennial herbs have evergreen grass-like foliage, with slender, wiry stems from...
Diosma haelkraalensis
This extremely hardy buchu thrives in both alkaline and acidic soils of the fynbos, and flowers for much of the year....
Dicliptera magaliesbergensis
Dicliptera magaliesbergensis is one of 20 South African species of Dicliptera, and one of the 3 threatened species. It is found only in Gauteng and nowhere...
Disa graminifolia
Disa graminifolia is one of the most attractive, and less known orchid species. It has violet-blue flowers in late summer to early autumn that catch one’s...
Dalbergia melanoxylon
A beautiful, small, spiny tree, with fragrant, white, pea-like flowers in dense clusters in early summer; it also produces attractive purple-black heartwood...
Dicliptera cernua
Dicliptera cernua is a vigorous and versatile winter-flowering groundcover, suitable for sunny or shady areas....
Dierama dubium
A little-known and seldom seen, perennial, evergreen geophyte with small, nodding dark purple-red flowers and white bracts which are borne on arching stems...
Drimia sphaerocephala
The phrase “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” is well expressed by the plant Drimia sphaerocephala. A bulbous plant wearing a rounded,...
Drosera xerophila
Drosera xerophila is one of the stunning sundews, belonging to the Droseraceae family, characterised by a rosette of leaves that lie close to the ground...
Dombeya kirkii
A fast growing and beautiful, ornamental wild pear with masses of white flowers in late summer and winter....