Plants of the Week
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Salvia thermarum
S. thermarum (also sometimes mistakenly called S. thermara), with its pale red flowers and red bracts, makes a beautiful garden specimen. An added bonus...
Salvia schlechteri
Little is known about Salvia schlechteri, but with its unusual foliage and pale blue flowers, it deserves a place amid a herbaceous border or summer...
Salvia scabra
Salvia scabra is a dainty sage which is adorned with mauve flowers between spring and autumn, with its peak flowering in summer. Being water-wise and its...
Salvia repens
As another member of the interesting sage family, this creeping sage with its aromatic leaves and abundance of flowers in summer, is a perennial worth...
Salvia namaensis
The petite pretty flowers and water-wise, hardy nature of Salvia namaensis will add herbaceous charm to any garden....
Salvia muirii
There are many fascinating plants in the sage family. As garden plants, some may be more interesting than beautiful, but Salvia muirii, with its large...
Salvia lanceolata
A lovely grey-green aromatic shrub with rusty red flowers for most of the year; rewardingly easy to grow and water-wise....
Salvia garipensis
This hardy sage, of medium height and neat appearance, will appeal to those concerned with border plantings or indigenous water-wise gardens....
Salvia dolomitica
The dolomite sage is the perfect, hardy, frost tolerant shrub for every garden which will reward its gardener with its long summer display and aromatic...
Salvia disermas
Occurring in a variety of colors and growth forms, the petite, pretty flowers of Salvia disermas will add charm to any garden in need of a hardy,...
Salvia dentata
Salvia dentata is a wonderful, aromatic, evergreen shrub with prolific flowers suitable for water-wise gardens....
Salvia chamelaeagnea
Members of the sage family are known worldwide as excellent herbs and beautiful garden plants. Salvia chamelaeagnea, which grows wild in the south western...
Salvia aurita var. aurita
Salvia aurita var. aurita is a fast-growing, herbaceous perennial that makes a fantastic groundcover in gardens that can offer a little...
Salvia aurea
Salvia aurea is an aromatic hardy shrub with unusually coloured flowers borne over a long period. It is fairly fast-growing, up to 2 m, and very attractive...
Salvia albicaulis
A white stemmed shrub for sunny spots, which contrasts well with many other fynbos plants....
Salvia africana-lutea
Salvia africana-lutea is now called Salvia aurea...
Salvia africana-caerulea
Salvia africana-caerulea is now called Salvia africana....
Salvia africana
Salvia africana is a decorative, aromatic shrub with medicinal properties. Keep it neat and pruned and it will reward you with flowers almost all year...
Saltera sarcocolla
Saltera sarcocolla belongs to the Penaeaceae, which is a family confined to the fynbos region. Despite interesting variations in plant and flower...
Salpinctium natalense
Salpinctium natalense is a lovely and rare herbaceous perennial that is known from only one site in KwaZulu-Natal; it is well suited to cool, shady...