Plants of the Week
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Setaria megaphylla
Setaria megaphylla may be found along rivers in low-lying areas or forests and in dense bushveld where there is plenty of moisture. ...
Sideroxylon inerme
Silene undulata
This small herb is used as a 'dream plant'....
Searsia lucida
A versatile shrub or small tree, with attractive shiny leaves and creamy white flowers, which are followed by green fruits that ripen to red-brown and...
Siphonochilus aethiopicus
Solanum aculeastrum
Solanum giganteum
This big shrub with its colourful, long-lasting berries and large leaves with silvery undersides, makes an unusual hedge or background plant....
Sorghum bicolor
This crop plant has been cultivated in southern Africa for over 3 000 years....
Sagittanthera mzimvubuensis
Sagittanthera mzimvubuensis is a geophyte with decorative club-shaped, ruby-green bulb scales and pendent, terete leaves, growing on cliffs along the Mzimvubu...
Sparaxis grandiflora subsp. grandiflora
Sparaxis grandiflora is indeed an attractive species and it is not surprising that it was introduced to Kew Gardens as early as 1758. However, as Du Plessis...
Sparaxis elegans
Sparaxis elegans is, as its name suggests, one of the most elegant and aesthetically pleasing species the Greater Cape Floristic Region (GCFR) has to...
Sparaxis maculosa
Known from only two localities, one recently discovered, this spectacularly large-flowered species is sadly frail in its magnificence, a shadow cast upon...
Salpinctium natalense
Salpinctium natalense is a lovely and rare herbaceous perennial that is known from only one site in KwaZulu-Natal; it is well suited to cool, shady...
Sparrmannia africana
Sparrmannia africana is an easy-to-grow large shrub for a shady area with lush, soft, heart-shaped leaves and pretty white flowers with a puff of...
Sarcophyte sanguinea subsp. sanguinea
Sarcophyte sanguinea subsp. sanguinea is a parasitic plant that occurs on the roots of trees and shrubs, especially on African acacias (Vachellia species)....
Spatalla mollis
Spatalla mollis boasts attractive flower headlets of white or mauve flowers from July to December. The small shrubs blend in well with the surrounding...
Sphagnum is a cosmopolitan as well as economically and ecologically important genus of mosses. ...
Sphenostylis angustifolia
Sphenostylis angustifolia, or the wild sweet-pea, is a lovely green perennial shrublet with an extensive woody rootstock that decorates the Highveld with...
Syncarpha ferruginea
Syncarpha ferruginea is a small fynbos shrub with felted grey leaves and attractive yellow-brown, everlasting flower heads in spring and summer....