Plants of the Week
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Diascia insignis
Diascia insignis, with its beautiful tiny reddish-purple flowers, is known only in and around Nieuwoudtville....
Diascia integerrima
This lovely delicate plant is a jewel in the garden for it flowers abundantly throughout the summer....
Diascia lewisiae
According to K.E. Steiner, who described the species, Diascia lewisiae is known from only two localities on the Roggeveld escarpment near Nieuwoudtville...
Delosperma waterbergense
Delosperma waterbergense is only known from cliffs along the upper Waterberg near Thabazimbi in the Limpopo Province. A fast grower, it has soft flaccid...
Diascia patens
Little is known about the petite Diascia patens with its clambering habit and long flowering season. It should have made its appearance as a quaint addition...
Diascia rigescens
This attractive, dainty South African perennial will do well in temperate gardens around the world. Easy to grow and long-flowering, this is an ideal plant...
Diascia vigilis
Diastella buekii
Historical records suggest that Diastella buekii was once common in the area between Paarl and Franschhoek. This enigmatic species is now confined...
Delosperma zoutpansbergense
Delosperma zoutpansbergense is only known from south-facing upper cliffs along the upper Soutpansberg near Louis Trichard (Machadu) in Limpopo Province....
Diastella proteoides
This dainty member of the protea family is threatened with extinction as its habitat disappears....
Dichrostachys cinerea
Dichrostachys cinerea is a spiny, deciduous shrub or small tree, up to 7 m high, with a rounded crown, 3 m wide....
Dicoma anomala
Dicoma anomala is a highly variable plant characterized by its stiff, sharp-pointed bracts, large flower heads and mauve-white florets surrounded by many...
Didymaotus lapidiformis
Didymaotus lapidiformis is a fascinating chunky succulent that looks like a lithops on steroids! It grows in the arid winter rainfall regions of...
Dierama pendulum
Admired for its graceful, wand-like stems, eye-catching pink flowers and erect, long, linear leaves, this easily cultivated plant is one of the most rewarding...
Dierama reynoldsii
Just imagine the impact of a 'bulb' with flowers the colour of red wine (a young Shiraz , in particular), arising from bracts like the silver stem...
Dietes bicolor
With its unusual flowers, attractive shape and ease of cultivation, the yellow wild iris is a versatile garden plant....
Dietes grandiflora
This well known indigenous iris is commonly grown in gardens and used in large landscapes throughout the country....
Dietes iridioides
Dietes iridioides is not common in residential gardens and landscapes, yet it is considered a good garden subject....
Dimorphotheca cuneata
Dimorphotheca cuneata is a hardy, mainly winter-rainfall perennial producing masses of showy, white flowers in early spring....
Dimorphotheca ecklonis
Dimorphotheca ecklonis has beautiful, white ray florets and a dark blue centre (disc florets). A collection of these plants in full bloom certainly...