Plants of the Week
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Grona setigera
Grona setigera, commonly known as bristly tick-clover, is a beautiful legume that grows close to the ground, with remarkable, beautiful, colourful flowers...
Gasteria retusa
Gasteria retusa is a cluster-forming leaf succulent of about 240 mm in diameter. The leaves are beautifully ornamented, wrinkled, with transverse bands...
Grewia caffra
A multi-stemmed shrub or small tree with a climbing habit, often seen sprawling into nearby plants for support. It bears striking, yellow, star-like flowers...
Glottiphyllum carnosum
Occurring in a biome such as Succulent Karoo with very limited rainfall, the hardy yet fragile Glottiphyllum carnosum is adapted to withstand it all, with...
Gasteria langebergensis
Gasteria langbergensis is a cluster-forming, leaf succulent with oblong, flattened, slightly wrinkled leaves in two opposite rows (distichous) and bearing...
Galtonia candicans
Galtonia candicans is now called Ornithogalum candicans....
Gladiolus ecklonii
A cormous plant with beautiful, variously spotted, pink, red or purple flowers on a white background, in summer....
Gladiolus floribundus
A winter-growing gladiolus with showy spikes of striped, white or pale pink flowers in spring; well suited to winter-rainfall gardens and suitable for...
Gymnanthemum corymbosum
Gymnanthemum corymbosum is an attractive, fast-growing shrub, with interesting purple and white, daisy flowers in late summer and autumn, followed by fluffy...
Grewia rogersii
The Waterberg raisin is a bushy shrub with attractive dark green and whitish bicoloured foliage, star shaped yellow flowers in summer and 4-lobed berry-like...
Gladiolus angustus
Gnidia pinifolia
Gnidia pinifolia has showy, conspicuous, white blooms, all-year round, that will infuse your garden with a night scent....
Gymnosporia buxifolia
Gymnosporia buxifolia is a very showy plant when in flower and can grow into an interesting and shapely small tree over time. It can be pruned to form...
Gasteria nitida
Gasteria nitida is a medium-sized, aloe-like succulent, endemic to the Eastern Cape, growing in grassland regions. It has showy, banded leaves, and grows...
Gladiolus crassifolius
A dainty perennial geophyte, with substantial stems and brightly coloured flowers; it grows wild in well-drained, rocky grasslands of eastern southern...
Gladiolus permeabilis
A hardy bulbous plant with dainty and intensely sweet-smelling flowers, perfectly paired with short grasses.Fig. 1. Flowers of Gladiolus permeabilis var....
Grewia flava
A hardy shrub or small tree up to ± 4 m high, it gives an impressive show of yellow, star-shaped flowers in summer. This tree is ideal to attract...
Geissorhiza tulbaghensis
Geissorhiza tulbaghensis has one of the most beautiful, and largest flowers in its genus. It does well as a pot plant and is one of the most easily cultivated...