Plants of the Week
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Pelargonium setulosum
A beautiful tufted pelargonium from the Western Cape Province, not well known in cultivation but it makes an attractive potplant and is well-suited to...
Pelargonium cordifolium
Pelargonium cordifolium is a spreading, branched aromatic shrub, reaching a height of more than 1.5 metres....
Pelargonium cucullatum
Pelargonium cucullatum is the parent of many modern pelargonium hybrids. It is a fast growing, tough shrub tolerant to coastal conditions,...
Pelargonium exstipulatum
Most of the species in the Geraniaceae family are very attractive, and Pelargonium exstipulatum is no exception. It adds some character...
Pelargonium greytonense
This is a fairly small, fragrant pelargonium for the scented garden....
Pelargonium laevigatum
Pelargonium laevigatum is an attractive shrub with decorative foliage and flowers throughout the year; it is well-suited to rockeries, water-wise and...
Pentzia dentata
A wonderful water-wise, aromatic shrub with soft, grey foliage and clusters of yellow inflorescences, from spring to summer....
Pelargonium multicaule
A beautiful sprawling pelargonium with dark pink flowers, ideal for hanging baskets as well as a good ground cover....
Pelargonium pseudoglutinosum
This is a fairly large, attractive pelargonium, which flowers throughout the year....
Pachycarpus natalensis
Pachycarpus natalensis is one of many amazingly beautiful indigenous plants, which is almost never cultivated. This is due to the short span of its flowering,...
Pelargonium ribifolium
This is beautiful aromatic white-flowered pelargonium for any spring garden....
Pelargonium scabroide
A fairly small pelargonium suited for small rockeries in partially shaded areas....
Pelargonium trifidum
This is a large attractive pelargonium with cream to white flowers with maroon markings....
Penaea cneorum
Penaea cneorum is a lanky shrub with leathery foliage and compact spikes of small yellow flowers that rest upon distinctive greenish-yellow bracts and...
Pelargonium ovale
Pelargonium ovale is one of several tufted pelargoniums that are suitable for container gardens....
Pelargonium panduriforme
Large, attractive, hot-pink flowers make this small shrub an enviable plant for gardens....
Pelargonium papilionaceum
A pelargonium worth growing in shady places in your garden....
Pelargonium peltatum
The ivy-leaved pelargonium is a winner and a beautiful garden plant....
Pelargonium quercifolium
Pelargonium quercifolium is an attractive shrub with oak-like foliage and flowers throughout the year; it adapts to any garden....
Pelargonium radens
This showy, scented pelargonium will bring delight to any fragrant garden....