Plants of the Week
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Pelargonium reniforme
Pelargonium reniforme is an attractive showy plant with flower colours varying from pink to magenta....
Pelargonium scabrum
Plectranthus hilliardiae
One of the most attractive of the Plectranthus, with glossy, dark green leaves and purple-blue autumn flowers, it is best suited to moist, subtropical...
Pelargonium sidoides
A tufted pelargonium with velvety silver leaves and almost black flowers that is a well known medicinal plant in South Africa....
Pelargonium suburbanum subsp. suburbanum
A groundcover with showy magenta flowers in spring and early summer, ideal for sandy banks, rockeries and hanging baskets. Many species and hybrids of Pelargonium are...
Pelargonium ternatum
this is a beautiful hardy pelargonium that is suited to a miniature rockery....
Protea grandiceps
This is a very slow growing fynbos shrub that produces excellent, long lasting, red flowerheads, beautiful for garden display and as a cut flower, and...
Petalidium oblongifolium
A beautiful small shrub with silvery leaves and attractive blue flowers in summer; a hardy, water-wise plant for sun or semi-shade....
Pelargonium tetragonum
With its square, jointed, succulent stems, this fascinating pelargonium could easily mislead the casual observer into mistaking it for a member of the...
Podocarpus falcatus
See Afrocarpus falcatus....