Plants of the Week
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Philenoptera sutherlandii
A large and handsome evergreen tree, with showy pink or purple flowers in midsummer, that grows mainly in forest habitat....
Portulacaria fruticulosa
Portulacaria fruticulosa is an ascending, much-branched shrub about 700 mm tall, with slender reddish-brown branches less than 1 mm in diameter at the...
Protea odorata
A small, champion shrub that produces very pleasant pink flower heads, pointing upwards or sideway of the branches, that have a slight sweet fragrance,...
Pteronia incana
This unpalatable, aromatic, dwarf shrub with beautiful, dusty grey foliage and bright yellow flowers in spring and early summer, is one of the most widely...
Protea amplexicaulis
This sprawling protea shyly hides its velvety flowerheads under its unusual grey-green, pink-margined leaves....
Protea nana
A delightful shrub, with soft needle-shaped leaves that shimmer in the wind, while its cup-shaped, crimson flower heads, shyly nod. ...
Pyrrosia schimperiana
A rare fern, only known from the Blyde River Canyon in the Mpumalanga Province, confined to sheer cliffs. The plant grows in small, dense clusters, with...
Pelargonium caledonicum
The conspicuous and unique Caledon Storksbill is one of South Africa’s most rare pelargoniums, only known to occur in the Caledon region of the Western...
Phygelius capensis
Phygelius capensis is a hardy, evergreen semi-shrub that bears wonderful bright red or orange, drooping, tubular flowers throughout summer. ...
Platylophus trifoliatus
Finding large specimens of this tree in their habitat, may make you think that you have wandered into a forest inhabited by the characters found in ‘The...
Papaver aculeatum
Papaver aculeatum is an attractive, orange- or pinkish-orange-flowered annual, and the only poppy endemic to the southern hemisphere. It makes an attractive...
Prenia vanrensburgii
A fast-growing, short-lived perennial succulent, endemic to the sunny, windy, littoral seafront or shoreline zone in the coastal parts of the eastern part...
Protea lacticolor
A large shrub or small tree from the fynbos, with creamy white or pink flower heads in autumn to winter, that can be used for screening, or as a focal...
Pelargonium vanderwaltii
A rare, cliff-dwelling perennial, known only from sheer, south-facing cliffs of the Otjihipa Mountains in the Kaokoveld of northern Namibia. It is a cliff-squatter,...
Parinari capensis subsp. capensis
A dwarf creeping tree of the South African grassland, Parinari capensis subsp. capensis, captivates with its diminutive stature and remarkable adaptability....
Portulacaria carrissoana
Portulacaria carrissoana is an ascending shrub with rounded greyish-green succulent leaves, very small cream-coloured flowers on short racemes in late...
Pelargonium album
This is a striking plant with light green, fragrant foliage, suitable for the shady mixed border....
Pachycarpus acidostelma
Recognized by its creamy to pale yellow, saucer-shaped flowers, the elusive Pachycarpus acidostelma remains one of South Africa’s hidden gems.Fig....
Portulacaria longipedunculata
Portulacaria longipedunculata is an ascending, slow-growing shrub with reddish to pale brown peeling bark and scar-like nodes from which small, linear...