Plants of the Week
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Salvia muirii
There are many fascinating plants in the sage family. As garden plants, some may be more interesting than beautiful, but Salvia muirii, with its large...
Scabiosa genus
Salvia namaensis
The petite pretty flowers and water-wise, hardy nature of Salvia namaensis will add herbaceous charm to any garden....
Salvia repens
As another member of the interesting sage family, this creeping sage with its aromatic leaves and abundance of flowers in summer, is a perennial worth...
Sansevieria hallii
Sansevieria hallii represents a rare succulent, with mottled, sickle-shaped leaves and beautiful white flowers. It is confined to the northeastern parts...
Salvia schlechteri
Little is known about Salvia schlechteri, but with its unusual foliage and pale blue flowers, it deserves a place amid a herbaceous border or summer...
Salvia thermarum
S. thermarum (also sometimes mistakenly called S. thermara), with its pale red flowers and red bracts, makes a beautiful garden specimen. An added bonus...
Synaptolepis oliveriana
Synaptolepis oliveriana is a much-branched, scrambling shrub, with spear-shaped leaves and sweetly scented, creamy yellow flowers in summer; the plant...
Samolus porosus
Samolus porosus is a very adaptable herbaceous plant found growing in a variety of moist or wet habitats and often under harsh coastal conditions....
Sandersonia aurantiaca
Seldom seen in cultivation in southern Africa, the highly ornamental, lantern-like flowers of Sandersonia aurantiaca are universally admired,...
Senegalia ataxacantha
The most striking feature of this plant are the deep red to purple-red pods which are held in conspicuous bunches and account for the common name "flame...
Satyrium carneum
Satyrium carneum, an endemic orchid in Western Cape from the Cape Peninsula to Riversdale, is becoming increasingly local and rare....
Searsia pondoensis
The many-veined currant is a relatively small perennial re-sprouter with green to greyish foliage, confined to grassland and open woodland....
Struthiola dodecandra
Struthiola dodecandra is an erect shrublet with white or pink, night-scented flowers arranged in long spikes at the tips of the slender stems, which makes...
Senegalia caffra
This beautiful tree is the most common naturally occurring senegalia in the Witwatersrand National Botanical Garden. It may reach up to 14m and has an...
Satyrium coriifolium
With its brightly coloured yellow or orange-red flowers, Satyrium coriifolium is one of the most attractive terrestrial orchids of the Cape Floristic...
Sporobolus africanus
Sporobolus africanus is a tough, palatable, perennial grass with a low leaf production. It is a good indicator of disturbed veld....
Satyrium princeps
Satyrium princeps is a handsome but threatened terrestrial orchid from coastal sands in the southern part of the Western and Eastern Cape. Its long-lasting...
Senegalia galpinii
This is a large tree with luxuriant, light green foliage, making it ideal for a big garden, avenue or park. It is also valued by farmers. This tree...
Scabiosa incisa
Scabiosa incisa with its large mauve or white flowers must be one of South Africa's prettiest indigenous perennials. Growing in small clumps, the flowerheads...