Plants of the Week
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Ursinia calenduliflora
Urochloa mosambicensis
Urochloa mosambicensis is a perennial grass with an inflorescence made up of a number of spike-like racemes arranged alternately on a central axis. It...
Ursinia anthemoides subsp. anthemoides
Ursinia anthemoides, with its bright yellow flowers, catches the eye wherever it is planted. In spring the plants make a mass display, especially in Niewoudtville...
Ursinia abrotanifolia
An extremely easy-to-grow and showy summer display bedding plant with charm and versatility underutilized by home gardeners....
Ursinia cakilefolia
Bright and cheerful, the annual ursinias are some of the easiest plants to grow for spring colour. ...
Ursinia chrysanthemoides var. geyeri
Once thought to be extinct, Ursinia chrysanthemoides var. geyeri, the crimson-flowered herbaceous daisy has found its way back into cultivation....
Ursinia paleacea
This cheerful and resilient perennial is a must for any fynbos garden!...
Ursinia speciosa
Ursinia speciosa will brighten up any garden during late winter or early spring with its showy orange or yellow flowers....
Ursinia sericea
Ursinia sericea is an attractive, easy-to-grow perennial, adding texture and silver highlights to the garden....
Uvaria caffra
Ursinia nana
An attractive, spreading, annual herb with yellow flowers, which blooms in the spring to early summer period. With its spreading habit and fine foliage,...
Ursinia chrysanthemoides
A showy upright or mat-forming spring flowering perennial with daisy flowers in various colours....
Umtiza listeriana
A genus of one species in the legume family, found in a small area of the Eastern Cape; a spiny tree with prominent glossy, dark green foliage, and a perfect...