Plants of the Week
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Asystasia varia
This lovely garden plant grows very well in shady gardens, as well as in containers (hanging baskets), which is probably the most innovative way to optimize...
Afrocarpus falcatus
This fast-growing, majestic yellowwood with its elegant shape is certainly a tree for all seasons and all gardens. It is an excellent container plant and...
Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis
Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis is one of two less known, but equally striking, subspecies of Aloe striata. This particular subspecies is well known...
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Cwebe’
A handsome ornamental perennial whose graceful spreading fronds has broader needle-like leaflets than the other varieties of asparagus fern. New foliage...
Atalaya alata
Introduce a finer texture in your garden by planting Atalaya alata....
Asparagus retrofractus
Quite often, this plant is mistaken for a fern when in-fact it is an attractive, scrambling herbaceous flowering plant, that has zigzagging stems clothed...
Athanasia dentata
Green and golden is the best way to describe Athanasia dentata....
Tree aloes, with their striking, bold and often symmetrical architecture and drought tolerance, are sought after by gardeners and make perfect focus plants...
Athrixia phylicoides
This is a stunning plant that has a great horticultural potential in cultivation. Its beautiful flowers and the soft texture of the leaves make it an asset...
Aloe andersonii
A cliff-dwelling grass aloe, with soft leaves drooping from the sandstone cliff faces of Mount Anderson. It flowers in spring, when the solitary...
Aulax umbellata
A slender shrub with bright yellow flowerheads contrasting vividly with the purplish brown young foliage around the flowerheads during summer....
Aspalathus quartzicola
Aspalathus quartzicola is one of few species that occur in quartz patches (quartz-silcrete outcrops); a very specialized habitat, hence its species name....
Avicennia marina
Every travel agent's idea of a tropical paradise involves white, palm-fringed beaches and "the murmur of summer seas" - but what are those...
Aeollanthus rydingianus
A very aromatic, fast-growing, branched, semi-succulent shrublet, with sticky, green leaves, bearing mauve, 2-lipped flowers in winter and spring. It is...
Arctotis angustifolia
This silvery-leaved perennial will light up many a garden with its bright orange or white flowers in spring....
Argyrolobium angustissimum
Argyrolobium angustissimum is an unassuming Cape peaflower which until relatively recently had been presumed possibly extinct.Figure 1. Argyrolobium angustissimum...
Aeollanthus haumannii
Aeollanthus haumannii is an aromatic, branched succulent with sticky, green leaves, bearing whitish mauve, 2-lipped flowers in autumn, only known from...
Aloe condyae
Aloe condyae is a rare, dwarf, cluster-forming, cliff-dwelling succulent, up to 100 mm high, with short, ascending stems and leaves in a rosette. It is...
Achyranthemum sordescens
A very attractive, clump-forming everlasting, with silky, recurved leaves and stunning yellow flowerheads. ...
Aloe gerstneri
The regal Aloe gerstneri stands tall, with an orange ombre inflorescence, in its natural habitat, the rocky grasslands. ...