Plants of the Week
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Senecio tamoides
Senecio littoreus
Senecio littoreus is a small, but tough, erect annual, well suited to extreme coastal conditions....
Seriphium plumosum
This intricately branched, heath-like shrublet is well known to hikers who use the plant to make soft mattresses when sleeping outdoors. It might be better...
Serruria florida
The delicate beauty of Serruria florida justifies its recognition as the most beautiful of the genus....
Senecio gerrardii
Visitors to wetland areas in Mpumalanga would be very familiar with this very characteristic species. It is particularly common in the Verlorenvlei area,...
Serruria furcellata
This critically endangered spiderhead is being squeezed from its home by urbanization near greater Cape Town....
Serruria aemula
Serruria aemula once occurred in huge stands on the Cape Flats near Cape Town from Milnerton to Rondebosch. Sadly this beautiful species has been reduced...
Senecio maritimus
A somewhat succulent annual, ideally suited to coastal gardens and common along the Western Cape coast, where its bright yellow flowers light up large...
Serruria brownii
Serruria brownii is a charming and unusual shrublet. It can be tricky to cultivate but when growing happily will reward you with dense soft foliage...
Serruria cyanoides
The genus Serruria is one of the genera of the protea family, and is found only in the Cape Floral Kingdom. ...
Serruria fucifolia
Serruria fucifolia is a charming medium-sized fynbos shrub. During late winter and early spring it is covered in sweetly-scented silver-pink flowers....
Sterculia alexandri
Sterculia alexandri is a medium-sized, thickset tree with compound leaves and yellow flowers. It is endemic to the Eastern Cape, west of Port Elizabeth,...
Syncolostemon incanus
Syncolostemon incanus is a medium sized, aromatic, sage family shrub that adds a splash of permanent colour in the landscape, all year through, with its...
Serruria glomerata
Serruria glomerata is an attractive fynbos shrub that belongs in the Protea Family and occurs naturally only on the Cape Peninsula. Its compact rounded...
Serruria rosea
Serruria rosea is one of the showiest spiderheads, producing a spectacular display of up to 20 rose-pink tightly clustered flower heads per stem....
Serruria decipiens
The Sandveld spiderhead is a small rounded fynbos shrub with clusters of sweetly scented, creamy white flowers in spring; it is well suited to fynbos gardens...
Serruria triternata
The Tulbagh spiderhead is a charming fynbos shrub suited to an informal indigenous garden. It is rather nondescript when not flowering but in spring time...
Serruria villosa
Serruria villosa is a charming sweetly scented shrublet suited to the wild fynbos garden....
Serruria trilopha
This critically endangered member of the protea family makes an unusual addition to sandy coastal gardens....