Plants of the Week
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Pentanisia prunelloides
This beautiful blue grassland flower, which attracts butterflies, shows great potential as a garden plant. Widespread in southern Africa, and used extensively...
Leucospermum saxosum
This pincushion is the only one in South Africa not growing in the winter rainfall area of the Western Cape. This is a summer rainfall species to be found...
Brachylaena discolor
Kumara plicatilis
Kumara plicatilis is a unique and striking much-branched shrub or small tree. This plant was previously called Aloe plicatilis....
Haworthia maxima
Aptosimum procumbens
An ideal water-wise ground-cover plant for dry gardens, Aptosimum procumbens is one of the treasures of the arid and semi-arid parts of South Africa....
Psoralea pinnata
Psoralea pinnata is an erect shrub or small tree which grows up to 4 m high, with blue, lilac and white pea-shaped flowers which bloom from October...
Pelargonium graveolens
Pelargonium graveolens with its attractive, strongly rose-scented leaves and pinkish white flowers is an interesting addition to the mixed border, adding...
Phylica buxifolia
This compact rounded shrub or small tree makes a good background or screening plant and should find a place in indigenous gardens near the coast, especially...
Mimetes hottentoticus
This is a beautiful shrub with silvery leaves and distinctive flowers. Mimetes can be easily distinguished from all other Proteaceae. The beauty...
Kniphofia ensifolia
This torch lily is an attractive plant with erect, grey-green, deeply keeled leaves, forming large clumps with attractive white to greenish white or greenish...
Struthiola myrsinites
This is a delightful, slender shrub from the Cape flora, whose pale flowers scent the evening air. It is a member of the thyme family which is recognised...
Pelargonium zonale
The flowers of this strikingly beautiful species range from pure white to rose-pink and all shades of red. Combined with its decorative rounded foliage,...
Kniphofia linearifolia
This is an attractive plant, with showy greenish yellow to yellow flowers and long, narrow leaves. It is suited to temperate gardens where it forms a strong...
Kiggelaria africana
This widespread tree is said to attract lightning, but some people use it to protect their homes!...
Ochna serrulata
This is certainly a shrub that every gardener should have in their garden, not only because of its beautiful yellow flowers, but also because of its attractive...
Mystacidium capense
This delicate epiphytic orchid, a mini plant with maxi roots is covered in a mass of white flowers at the beginning of summer....