Plants of the Week
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Streptocarpus cyaneus
Streptocarpus cyaneus is very attractive and is one of the few species of Streptocarpus that produces either white, pink or blue flowers depending on...
Streptocarpus formosus
Walking down the Camphor Avenue at Kirstenbosch, one can not but stop to admire the clumps of Streptocarpus formosus flowering on the ground. Formosus...
Streptocarpus montigena
An unusual small pot plant for indoors, with rough, hairy slightly sticky leaves. This is quite a difficult species to grow — providing the discerning...
Stadmania oppositifolia subsp. rhodesica
An awesome small tree with the most attractive flowers and fruits....
Streptocarpus vandeleurii
This is an unusual herbaceous plant that consists of only one leaf with an impressive inflorescence of creamy white flowers that will die once it has flowered...
Streptocarpus meyeri
A lovely, neat, pretty species of Streptocarpus that has flat-growing, rough leaves and delicate flowing stems presenting white flowers with a violet blush...
Stachys aethiopica
Stachys aethiopica is a vigorous and versatile spring-flowering groundcover, suitable for sun to shade areas....
Strophanthus speciosus
Beware! This plant can be deadly in high doses, although it is used medicinally in moderate doses....
Sansevieria hyacinthoides
The mother-in-law’s tongue is an evergreen, perennial herb, with its handsome robust, flat, dark green and fibrous leaves that attact game. Its scented...
Stachys tubulosa
Best grown in shady conditions, Stachys tubulosa is an attractive, evergreen and hardy plant that displays its tubular mauve flowers during the summer...
Strumaria tenella subsp. orientalis
This interesting perennial bulb grows in the cracks and in the topsoil of dolerite rocks surrounded by Nama Karoo vegetation. The plant's most attractive...
Stachys rugosa
Spring flowering Stachys rugosa is a water-wise, ornamental, herbaceous perennial, with felted leaves that have a pungent aroma of pyrethrum or sheep dip,...
Strumaria truncata
Strumaria truncata is a charming bulbous plant, little known and unusual in cultivation....
Struthiola argentea
Struthiola argentea is a slender sun-loving shrublet with yellow to reddish-orange flowers. It is dramatic when massed, especially if planted close to...
Sida’s weed-like habit and small flowers keep it away from the popularity enjoyed by its tropical splendour relative, the Hibiscus. The attraction...
Struthiola ciliata
This pretty ericoid shrublet is common in the Western Cape and makes a rewarding garden plant as it flowers all year round. It produces slender plumes...
Struthiola myrsinites
This is a delightful, slender shrub from the Cape flora, whose pale flowers scent the evening air. It is a member of the thyme family which is recognised...
Senecio oxyriifolius
An unusual succulent herb with ornamental nasturtium-like leaves that is a rewarding, low maintenance and water-wise garden plant or container plant for...
Strychnos cocculoides
Strychnos cocculoides is a monkey-orange with distinctive corky bark, leaves without sharp tips and large, green, cannonball-like fruits, and is found...