Plants of the Week
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Bowkeria verticillata
A decorative shrub that can be used to landscape your garden, with softy quilted leaves and pure white, scented flowers....
Bulbine thomasiae
Bulbine thomasiae is an obligatory cliff-hugger, with rosettes of dull green, soft, succulent leaves that grow from the shale cliff faces along the Mbashe...
Brabejum stellatifolium
This tree is famous in South Africa for being used to make Van Riebeeck's Hedge, the first formal boundary marker between the new Cape colony and the...
Brachiaria serrata
Brachiaria serrata is a perennial grass with bright green leaves and red or purplish-red spikelets covered in silky hairs....
Brachylaena transvaalensis
This medium to large tree with its dark green glossy leaves produces dense clusters of whitish flowers from July to September....
Brachylaena discolor
Brachystelma barberae
Brachystelma barberae is without doubt the most spectacular species in the genus. It is probably the best known cultivated caudiciform asclepiad. If the...
Brachystelma modestum
The name modestum appears well deserved by this diminutive species of Brachystelma since the flowers are so astonishingly attractive, while the plant...
Brackenridgea zanguebarica
Bulbine latifolia var. curvata
Bulbine latifolia var. curvata has a solitary rosette of firm, linear-lanceolate, succulent leaves, distinctly curving downwards. It is a cliff-squatting...
Bridelia micrantha
Beautiful, fast growing shade tree, usually with scattered bright red leaves....
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
Berzelia albiflora
Whenever this beautiful shrub is placed on our specimen table, it is often greeted with surprise as if it has never been seen before. It is easy to overlook,...
Brunia noduliflora
Brunia noduliflora is an unusual fynbos shrub and a Cape endemic; it has clusters of fluffy white pompon-like flower heads in winter and knobby fruits...
Berzelia stokoei
The striking red flowers of Berzelia stokoei are a sight to behold when walking in the tranquil mountains of the Overberg region. This plant was previously...
The sheer exuberance of brunsvigias flowering en masse is a natural spectacle that should not be missed....
Brunsvigia bosmaniae
Brunsvigia bosmaniae produces a dazzling floral display during autumn when little else is flowering in the veld. More or less 21 days after a late summer...
Brunsvigia natalensis
A striking bulbous plant, endemic to southern Africa, with large umbels bearing 30 to 60, attractive, red or pale pink flowers....
Brunsvigia josephinae
This plant has by far the biggest bulb and inflorescence among the geophytes in South Africa. Its large striking umbels are easily visible in the veld...