Plants of the Week
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Bulbine narcissifolia
The grey-green, laxly twisted leaves and compact inflorescence of yellow flowers and white bracts covering the flower buds, make the strap-leaved bulbine, Bulbine...
Burchellia bubalina
The wild pomegranate is an attractive ornamental shrub/tree that is also used to attract nectar-feeding birds. The combination of its bright red flowers...
Burkea africana
An attractive, medium-sized, flat-topped tree, difficult to grow and not yet produced on a commercial scale....
Buxus macowanii
A small, very slow-growing tree with a clean slender stem and a dense crown of shiny green leaves; it is a good pot plant, can be clipped and trained into...
Babiana sambucina subsp. sambucina
Babiana sambucina subsp. sambucina is an attractive, dwarf, spring-flowering bulbous plant, which is drought tolerant and water-wise....
Barleria virgula
‘The drier I get, the better I flower!’...
Babiana rubrocyanea
Babiana rubrocyanea is perfect for those seeking a visually stunning and unique floral display. Its striking dark blue flowers with a red centre are truly...
Buddleja dysophylla
A large, scrambling shrub with showy heads of sweet-scented, white flowers in winter, that are visited by bees and butterflies....
Babiana noctiflora
A night-scented bobbejaantjie that is rare in fynbos, with yellow flowers that are adapted to their night-flying moth pollinators by remaining open and...
Barleria macrostegia
A groundcover with a strange flower cluster....
Bulbine succulenta
Bulbine succulenta is an attractive bulbous plant, and a low-maintenance and rewarding ornamental plant.Fig. 1: Bulbine succulenta, plants in flower, flowers...
Breonadia salicina
A handsome, tall, evergreen tree, suitable for big gardens and parks, with a straight trunk and a dense, narrow crown, known to be an excellent wood for...
Bulbine mesembryanthoides subsp. mesembryanthoides
Babiana nervosa
Babiana stricta
Babiana stricta is now known as Babiana nervosa....
Bowkeria cymosa
A bushy shrub or small tree for sun or semi-shade, with dark green foliage and sprays of unusual, shell-like, white flowers in summer; a good backdrop...
Barleria quadriloba
A shrublet with white flowers in late summer, autumn and winter; it performs best in dry conditions and is recommended for sunny, water-wise gardens....
Bergeranthus scapiger
A dwarf, clump-forming, water-wise succulent, with smooth, glossy leaves and branched clusters of golden-yellow flowers in winter and spring. It is grown...