Plants of the Week
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Leucadendron loeriense
Leucadendron loeriense is one of the few members of the protea family that flower in mid-summer, producing its lovely star-shaped flowerheads and...
Ledebouria atropurpurea
An uncommon bulbous plant with broadly lanceolate, hairy leaves and small purple flowers in spring....
Leucadendron spissifolium subsp. oribinum
This rare Leucadendron (conebush) is found at the Oribi Gorge near Port Shepstone, far from the Western Cape where most Leucadendron species...
Leucadendron tinctum
An attractive, scented, bushy shrub of the Proteaceae family, Leucadendron tinctum makes a delightful display in a fynbos garden....
Leucospermum conocarpodendron subsp. viridum
The largest of the pincushion group of proteas, the green tree pincushion is absolutely spectacular when in flower. The large rounded bushes are then covered...
Leucospermum formosum
Leucospermum formosum has spectacular bright yellow spring flowers that look like a Catherine wheel firework frozen in mid spin. ...
Leucospermum grandiflorum
The rainbow pincushion makes for a fascinating floral display with flower buds opening bright yellow and slowly changing to flaming red....
Leucospermum muirii
A neat, attractive and lime-loving specimen of the Proteaceae family, this bushy shrub will be a delightful display in a fynbos garden....
Leucospermum praecox
Leucospermum praecox flowers before most other pincushions and creates an eye-catching display from mid-autumn all through winter....
Leucosidea sericea
Lampranthus tegens
A flat-growing, mat-forming, leaf succulent, often rooting at the nodes, and an easy-to-grow, drought tolerant plant for fynbos gardens, especially on...
Leucospermum cordifolium
From the middle of July to the end of November groups of Leucospermum cordifolium shrubs provide vivid splashed of orange and red in the Fynbos...
Leucospermum bolusii
The Gordon's Bay pincushion is quite unusual for a pincushion in that its flowers are a creamy white colour where they are normally a striking orange...
Lanaria lanata
Lanaria lanata is packed full of surprises. With its grass-like leaves and white, woolly inflorescence, one would think that that would be all it has to...
Leucospermum catherinae
Leucospermum conocarpodendron subsp. conocarpodendron
The grey tree pincushion is endemic to the Cape Peninsula where it is a conspicuous feature of the northern and western mountainsides. It makes a decorative...
Ledebouria hypoxidioides
A highly unique species in the genus since it is the only species with leaves that are densely covered with shaggy hairs. This species is also only known...
Leucospermum cuneiforme
Leucospermum cuneiforme produces its showy pincushions from spring into late summer, bringing welcome colour to the fynbos garden in mid summer....
Leucospermum erubescens
Leucospermum erubescens is an eye-catching shrub that is covered with large, flaming orange pincushions throughout spring and early summer....
Leucospermum glabrum
Leucospermum glabrum, a prolific flowering pincushion, water-wise and hardy, will make a great addition to any garden....