Plants of the Week
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Protorhus longifolia
The red beech is an excellent evergreen garden tree, quick growing and easily grown from seed. It attracts birds to a garden....
Protea speciosa
This is a beautiful, low-growing shrub that occurs on sandstone slopes in the mountains of the Western Cape; it produces magnificent flower heads that...
Prunus africana
The fissured stem of this tree, popular for its medicinal properties, has been admired by many gardeners....
Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia
Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia is the only species in this genus. It occurs only on the African continent....
Pseudoscolopia polyantha
Pseudoscolopia polyantha is a rare, near-threatened and little known tree restricted to a threatened habitat-forest margins....
Paranomus bracteolaris
One of the common sceptres, it produces a single leaf form, a dissected leaf, over the entire plant, and purple to pink flowers with a faint sweet scent...
Pseudoselago serrata
This striking, hardy perennial is the perfect filler to provide cheerful mauve blooms which attract butterflies and a host of other insects, increasing...
Psoralea pinnata
Psoralea pinnata is an erect shrub or small tree which grows up to 4 m high, with blue, lilac and white pea-shaped flowers which bloom from October...
Protea subvestita
This is a protea from the summer rainfall region that makes a wonderful large shrub or small tree in the garden; it produces its flowerheads in summer...
Peperomia tetraphylla
A low-growing herb with creeping stems forming mats, with small, thick, rounded leaves, typically dark green with lighter stripes, and are excellent at...
Psychotria capensis
Bulbuls, robins and barbets are a few of the locals spotted dining at the black bird-berry, with its attractive glossy foliage and showy red and yellow...
Pteleopsis myrtifolia
Here we have a very attractive and under-appreciated tree, most often seen in one of the most unusual environments in South Africa, namely the sandveld...
Pavetta zeyheri subsp. zeyheri
A flowering plant from the genus Pavetta, P. zeyheri is a shrub or small tree that has beautiful, radiant, faintly scented white flowers in summer, that...
Pterocarpus angolensis
A brown and papery, spiky, fried egg is what the seed pod of this beautiful tree looks like. The pods remain on the tree long after the leaves have fallen...
Portulacaria pygmaea
The pygmy porkbush is a shrublet with a tuberous, succulent base (caudex), small, grey-green, succulent leaves and small, light purplish, inconspicuous...
Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus
When in fruit this widely distributed, evergreen bush or tree is a lovely sight, decorated with masses of brilliant orange fruit, which are enjoyed by...
Pteronia paniculata
Pterolobium stellatum
Pterolobium stellatum is a tall, scrambling or climbing shrub with woody rope-like stems....
Pteronia uncinata
This honey scented shrublet is a must-have for any coastal garden in the winter rainfall region of South Africa....
Pachypodium succulentum
A slow-growing shrublet characterized by its unusual thickened, underground, water-storing, tuberous stem, which helps the plant to survive during drought...