Plants of the Week
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Kalanchoe luciae
The Afrikaans name meelplakkie is most appropriate for this plant as it does indeed look as if the whole plant has been liberally dusted with flour (meel)....
Karomia speciosa
This shrub to small tree with its two-tone dark and light green leaves produces the most interesting profusion of paper-like flowers with a pink and purple...
Kedrostis hirtella
This climber, with bright green velvety leaves, bears bright orange-red fruit that will attract birds to your garden....
The succulent plants of this genus have long been known as an additive to alcoholic fermentations, making them extra potent. It is the thick underground...
Khaya anthotheca
This fairly fast growing tree — up to 1.5 m per year — is neat and decorative for larger gardens and parks in warm areas and is ideal...
Kigelia africana
The sausage tree boasts long, open sprays of large, wrinkled, maroon or dark red trumpet-shaped flowers that are velvety on the inside and that virtually...
Kiggelaria africana
This widespread tree is said to attract lightning, but some people use it to protect their homes!...
Kirkia acuminata
This splendid tree does not yet enjoy the fame it deserves, but it is a good choice for those gardeners who prefer something different. It was selected...
Kirkia wilmsii
This medium to large tree has a spreading, irregular canopy that presents a spectacular sight when in full, bright red autumn colours. Any gardener with...
Kleinia fulgens
This is a stunning, grey-leafed plant with a profusion of scarlet flowers. It is ideal for hot, dry spots in the garden....
Kniphofia gracilis
Kniphofias, or red-hot pokers as they are more commonly known, are popular, showy garden plants that have been valued for their dramatic appearance in...
Kniphofia ensifolia
This torch lily is an attractive plant with erect, grey-green, deeply keeled leaves, forming large clumps with attractive white to greenish white or greenish...
Kniphofia species
Red-hot pokers are grown in temperate gardens around the world. Ranging in colour from reds, oranges through yellow to lime green and cream, numerous cultivars...
Kniphofia leucocephala
This delicate white wetland poker is so rare that it is now known from only one locality in KwaZulu-Natal, and does not even have a common name. Unless...
Kniphofia linearifolia
This is an attractive plant, with showy greenish yellow to yellow flowers and long, narrow leaves. It is suited to temperate gardens where it forms a strong...
Kraussia floribunda
This is a pleasing garden shrub with faintly scented, attractive white flowers which appear in midsummer followed by a further season of interest in winter...
Kumara haemanthifolia
Kumara haemanthifolia is a peculiar and interesting aloe. Its tightly arranged leaves with red to pinkish margins resemble a fan or the pages of a partly...
Kleinia chimanimaniensis
Kleinia chimanimaniensis is a sprawling shrublet with succulent leaves and stems and scented yellow flowers, in summer. It is confined to cliffs of the...
Kniphofia ichopensis
This is a delicate, grass-like plant, with dull green, distichous leaves and mostly creamy or rarely pink flowers in a lax inflorescence in summer....