Plants of the Week
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Kleinia fulgens
This is a stunning, grey-leafed plant with a profusion of scarlet flowers. It is ideal for hot, dry spots in the garden....
Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana
Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana is a rare, dwarf succulent perennial with leaves in a rosette. It is one of the smallest of the gasterias,...
Felicia josephinae
This charming, low-growing annual has only recently been named and described (Bothalia October 2002), although it was first collected in 1933 by C Louis...
Tylecodon paniculatus
Tylecodon paniculatus is a stocky, caudiciform, arborescent succulent that occurs over a wide area. ...
Erythrina lysistemon
Erythrina lysistemon is a lovely, small to medium-sized, deciduous tree with a spreading crown and brilliant red flowers. It is a handsome tree at...
Strelitzia reginae 'Mandela's Gold'
Strelitzia reginae 'Mandela's Gold' is a rare yellow form of the well-known crane flower, Strelitzia reginae....
Drosanthemum speciosum
Brilliant, vibrant, stunning, barely describe this vygie, which is one of the plants that makes the Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden in Worcester...
Arctotis arctotoides
Arctotis arctotoides is a fast-growing, soft, herbaceous groundcover that forms carpets of light green foliage decorated with cheerful, butter-yellow daisy...
Cyphostemma juttae
The tree grape is a slow-growing succulent with a huge swollen trunk (caudiciform). ...
Restio festuciformis
Aloidendron dichotomum
The quiver tree or Aloidendron dichotomum is probably the best known aloe found in South Africa and Namibia. Visitors to the Western Cape can see a ...
Streptocarpus kentaniensis
Kniphofia species
Red-hot pokers are grown in temperate gardens around the world. Ranging in colour from reds, oranges through yellow to lime green and cream, numerous cultivars...
Dorotheanthus bellidiformis
See Cleretum bellidiforme ...
Agathosma mucronulata
Agathosma mucronulata is an attractive evergreen aromatic shrub, belonging to the Rutaceae family. This family also includes the Cape chestnut, Calodendrum...
Jamesbrittenia grandiflora
Many people want to know what this stunning plant is when they first see it....
Cyrtanthus mackenii
This charming, sweetly scented bulb is long-flowering and easy to cultivate. It belongs to the genus Cyrtanthus which contains many beautiful species.Cyrtanthus...
Salvia aurea
Salvia aurea is an aromatic hardy shrub with unusually coloured flowers borne over a long period. It is fairly fast-growing, up to 2 m, and very attractive...
Nemesia fruticans
This dainty, long-flowering perennial is a charming addition to the summer garden, but what is commonly sold in nurseries as Nemesia fruticans may be due...
Alberta magna
This is a very impressive indigenous shrub or tree, especially when in flower or fruit. Alberta magna is not only treasured by tree collectors and gardeners...