Plants of the Week
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Ledebouria marginata
An attractive Ledebouria with erect, fibrous leaves and large bulb, often locally common with regional variations; it occurs over a wide area of the eastern...
Ledebouria caesiomontana
This small and cryptic species remains very elusive in its natural habitat, due to its ability to hide amongst grasses and other vegetation, as a result...
Ledebouria luteola
Unusual in cultivation, this bulbous plant, with attractively spotted leaves, can make an interesting collector’s item or curiosity. The species...
Lachenalia reflexa
A bulbous plant with bright yellow, urn-shaped flowers, and ascending, strap-shaped leaves; this winter-flowering plant is in danger of extinction in its...
Ledebouria pusilla
This tiny bulb is the smallest of all the ledebourias in the world. Often with only one or two leaves per plant, this species is tiny in all respects....
Ledebouria loedolffiae
Ledebouria loedolffiae is a cluster-forming, evergreen, bulbous plant with mottled leaves in a rosette and small purplish flowers carried on an ascending...
Ledebouria asperifolia
Although this species is seldom seen in cultivation, there are some very attractive forms which have beautiful markings on the leaves. It occurs over a...
Ledebouria pilosa
The hairy-leaved African hyacinth is an attractive bulbous plant with broad, green, hairy leaves and a tall flower spike with small pink and white striped...
Ledebouria concolor
A large and handsome, African hyacinth, with bright green leaves and stout semi-erect, dense flower spikes, that makes a fine pot plant. This attractive...
Landolphia kirkii
Named after its delicious fruit, the sand apricot-vine is a liane with many strong tendrils, glossy foliage, a branched inflorescence of small, scented,...
Lannea edulis var. edulis
A dwarf shrub, with stubby stems arising from a woody rootstock; it bears large leaves compared to the size of the plant. The fruits are edible, with a...
Ledebouria parvifolia
A very rare and elusive species seldom seen in its natural habitat due to its small size and remote location in the Mpumalanga Drakensberg, Mpumalanga,...
Ledebouria remifolia
A unique, dwarf, bulbous plant which produces spoon-like leaves on a long slender stalk. This small enigmatic species makes a curious container subject...
Ledebouria mokobulanensis
An enigmatic, rare and range-restricted species from the high-altitude grasslands, on the crests of the Mpumalanga Drakensberg, in Mpumalanga Province,...
Ledebouria venteri
Ledebouria venteri is a cluster forming bulbous plant with pale green, uniformly coloured leaves in an apical rosette and a spreading inflorescence of...
Ledebouria comptonii
A small and attractive species which proliferates to form dense stands, with brightly coloured flowers produced en-masse in early spring. The species is...
Lantana rugosa
From a distance, if it looks like the famous fever-tea or lemon bush plant (Lippia javanica), it is most likely Lantana rugosa. Sadly, sharing the common...
Leucadendron pubescens
A very attractive shrub with twisted, hairy leaves and large maroon-brown cones that are very noticeable in winter and spring when the plants are flowering...
Ledebouria floribunda
A large and usually attractively spotted Ledebouria species; this species is one of the largest species in the entire genus....
Ledebouria burkei subsp. stolonissima