Plants of the Week
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Leucadendron teretifolium
Rosy red cones and dense, compact growth, make Leucadendron teretifolium hard to miss, when walking in the veld....
Lithops optica
Lithops are probably the most well known and popular member of the large succulent plant family, the Aizoaceae. They are commonly called living stones...
Ledebouria ovalifolia
This curious dwarf species has a restricted distribution mainly in the southern, western and Northern Cape. It makes a great pot plant where it quickly...
Lithops are one of the most popular of all the succulents. These fat, cheeky little succulents plants have been grown for decades by amateur and professional...
Lachenalia corymbosa
Lachenalia corymbosa is one of five brightly coloured, bulbous geophytes, which were previously in the genus Polyxena, but have now been included...
Lithops olivacea
Lithops species are probably amongst the most well-camouflaged and cryptic plants in the world. Their common name, stone plant, is particularly apt, as...
Lobelia aquaemontis
Flowering with masses of sky-blue flowers, this delicate little lobelia gives a lovely display for many months in summer....
Ledebouria loskopica
With its hairy leaves and strongly scented flowers, the Loskop African hyacinth was only recently formally recognized as a new species, despite being first...
A large cosmopolitan genus of many garden ornamentals of which the popular Lobelia erinus is one of the sixty-nine species native to South Africa....
Lampranthus amoenus
A robust and reliable succulent shrub that gives a dazzling display of pink/mauve flowers in spring....
Lobelia anceps
If you are looking for an attractive groundcover for a wet or boggy area, the swamp lobelia could be the perfect plant for you!...
Lobelia jasionoides
This charming, herbaceous, perennial groundcover with masses of tiny lilac and white flowers is suited to light shady places but will also grow in full...
Lobelia valida
True blue flowers are always special. Worldwide they are sought after, a rare colour to find in a flower. The colour is striking by itself, breathtaking...
Ledebouria viscosa
This curious and enigmatic species of Ledebouria is highly unusual in the genus because of its viscous leaves which become sticky when wet, causing sand...
Lobostemon belliformis
Lobostemon belliformis is an incredibly rare and fabulous shrub from the Borage family; it is spectacular in bloom with its clusters of red tubular...
Ledebouria leptophylla
A miniature and very well-hidden species, which is easily overlooked in the field because of its small size and grass-like leaves. ...
Lobostemon fruticosus
Used as a popular old Cape remedy, this small shrub always attracts admiration with its showy blue and pink flowers....
This endemic genus, with numerous species of densely flowered, attractive shrubs, provides a splash of colour in the early spring, long before other popular...
Lobostemon montanus
Lobostemon montanus is a shrub from the Borage family with unusually large leaves for the genus, which are complemented by a cluster of pale blue...
Lotononis calycina
A small flat-growing yellow-flowered leguminous herb graces the dreary Highveld landscape in early spring. This delicate silvery plant highlights the importance...