Plants of the Week
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Marchantia berteroana
Marchantia berteroana is of one the most attractive and relatively large liverworts in South Africa. It thrives in constantly damp, shaded areas....
Markhamia zanzibarica
Markhamia zanzibarica, a small, tropical tree with striking flowers and decorative fruits, is Tree of the Year for 2008, together with Diospyros...
Maytenus acuminata var. acuminata 'Silky Showers'
Maytenus 'Silky Showers' is a superb garden plant originally found in the warm, partially shaded valleys of the Little Karoo. It grows to...
Maytenus oleoides
Maytenus oleioides is a handsome tree with a deep green, dense, rounded crown and stout trunk, a good choice for today's smaller gardens as it...
Melianthus major
With its decorative blue-green leaves and tall, dark rusty-red flower heads, this is a striking plant. On a sunny day the birds feast on the nectar dripping...
Melica decumbens
Melica decumbens is a short grass producing many flowering stems with spikelets (flowers) that usually have dark purple glumes (bracts) that contrast beautifully...
Melianthus comosus
Melianthus comosus is an ideal plant for a low-maintenance, waterwise garden, but it does need to be pruned to keep it neat and to encourage new growth....
Melinis nerviglumis
This pretty, tufted grass with its bluish leaves and shining pink inflorescences is an attractive addition to any border or wild garden. It is particularly...
Mentha longifolia
With its strong mint smell and taste, this herb has found its way into homes for centuries where it has been used in the kitchen and as a medicine. There...
Merciera, with its white or purple tubular flowers, is a little-known member of the Campanulaceae, endemic to the Cape Floristic Region....
Merxmuellera macowanii
M. macowanii is a wiry grass, forming large, lax tussocks and flowering in summer. Grasses are the most important plant family in the world,...
The Mesembryanthemaceae form a major and unique component of southern Africa's arid land flora. Succulent leaves, bright shiny-petalled flowers and...
Metalasia muricata
This is a widespread, tough shrub with honey-scented flowers whose garden potential is often overlooked....
Metarungia galpinii
Metarungia galpinii is a very rare and attractive garden plant that occurs mainly in the East London area in the Eastern Cape....
Metarungia longistrobus
Metarungia longistrobus is an unusual, attractive evergreen shrub for the shade garden, with long orange-brown flowers in candle-shaped inflorescences...
Three species of wart fern occur in South Africa and they all have potential as garden plants for shady, warm areas....
Millettia grandis
This is an attractive shade tree which can also be grown as a specimen tree to display its grey bark, coppery red young leaves and flower buds, lilac to...
Millettia stuhlmanni
Millettia stuhlmannii is a well known timber tree internationally exported for woodwork. Only one subpopulation of this species exists in South Africa...
Maclura africana
A dioecious, evergreen, spiny, climbing shrub whose stems provide a yellow dye....
Mimetes chrysanthus
The genus Mimetes is one of the most beautiful of the protea family and indeed in the whole of the Cape Floral Kingdom. ...