Plants of the Week
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Othonna quinquedentata
The five-tooth baboon cabbage, with its thick, light green, slightly fleshy leaves, looks inconspicuous at most times of the year but a few months after...
All species of Ochna have very attractive yellow flowers, with an unusual persistent calyx that enlarges when in fruit, becoming cream-coloured, pink...
Ochna pretoriensis
Ochna pretoriensis is one of the magnificent evergreen shrubs in South Africa, especially in the warm northern regions of South Africa. It flowers...
Ochna pulchra
This species is better known by its Afrikaans name, lekkerbreek. This is most probably one of South Africa 's most beautiful trees, but also one of...
Ochna serrulata
This is certainly a shrub that every gardener should have in their garden, not only because of its beautiful yellow flowers, but also because of its attractive...
Ocotea bullata
The black stinkwood, or stinkwood as it is commonly known, is a large evergreen tree suitable for large gardens and parks. Along with yellowood, its timber...
Ochna natalitia
Ochna natalitia is a wonderful, large shrub to small tree, not yet fully harnessed by gardeners, and offers an attractive display almost continuously through...
Oldenburgia grandis
Oldenburgia grandis is a remarkable, small, thick-set, tree similar in appearance to some tree proteas, but this strange plant's thistle-like flowers...
Othonna herrei
This bonsai-like Othonna is unique and certainly the most remarkable species in the genus....
Olea capensis
Happy the grandchild who inherits a garden shaded by a black ironwood tree, for they have grandparents of great foresight and intelligence. These trees...
Olinia emarginata
Olinia emarginata is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree, with attractive flowers and berries which makes for an attractive garden ornamental,...
Olinia ventosa
This beautiful tree makes a striking impression in spring when it is in full flower and is a good choice for a shade tree or focal point in a garden with...
Oncoba spinosa
This spiny shrub or small tree with pretty white flowers is known for the snuff boxes that can be made from its hard-shelled fruit....
Oncosiphon suffructicosum
Oncosiphon suffruticosum is an aromatic annual with masses of bright yellow flower heads, and is an important Cape herbal medicine....
Oncosiphon grandiflorum
This tall, button-flowered annual is ideal for larger gardens and can be grown as a spring and summer annual....
Oplismenus hirtellus
An outstanding groundcover for those difficult shady areas under trees, the grass Oplismenus hirtellus makes an interesting textured carpet of deep green...
Stapeliads are one of the most interesting groups of succulents — the diversity in shape, colour, size and smell make them an enticing group to collect...
Orbea lutea
Ornithogalum dubium
Ornithogalum dubium is a long-blooming, showy plant with beautiful large flowers, ideal for growing in pots, and as a cut flower....
Ornithogalum saundersiae
The giant chincherinchee is an attractive, easily cultivated garden plant and produces eye-catching, long-lasting flowers that are very suitable for use...