Plants of the Week
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Buddleja dysophylla
A large, scrambling shrub with showy heads of sweet-scented, white flowers in winter, that are visited by bees and butterflies....
Buddleja glomerata
The Karoo sagewood is an attractive foliage plant with silvery, scalloped leaves and heads of yellow flowers during spring and summer. It forms a small...
Buddleja loricata
Mountain sagewood is an interesting Buddleja for small gardens or town houses, particularly those inland at higher altitudes. It has a tidy, rounded shape,...
Buddleja saligna
Buddleja saligna is a tree up to 10 m tall in warm moist areas but usually 4 to 5 metres in Highveld areas. ...
Buddleja salviifolia
This small tree is deliciously scented in early spring....
Bulbine abyssinica
The bushy bulbine, Bulbine abyssinica, is a hardy, water-wise plant that offers a brilliant yellow display when in flower. Inflorescences with...
Bulbine angustifolia
Bulbine angustifolia is a stunning plant with delicate, bright yellow flowers and slender leaves, that can add a touch of beauty to any garden or landscape....
Bulbine capitata
That striking, luminous yellow flower showing off in the grasslands during spring is the beautiful Bulbine capitata, a perennial herb with slender, grass-like...
Bulbine cremnophila
Bulbine cremnophila is a cliff hugger growing in small clusters with hanging leaves and yellow flowers during spring. It thrives in cultivation in containers...
Bulbine frutescens
This is a popular, waterwise garden plant, especially when planted en masse as a ground cover, or in rock gardens. It is also cultivated for its medicinal...
Bulbine keiskammaensis
Bulbine keiskammaensis is an aloe-like plant that hangs from the cliffs of the Keiskamma River in the Eastern Cape. It has drooping, sparingly branched...
Bulbine latifolia
Bulbine latifolia is one of the largest species in the genus. It can be identified by its aloe-like growth, but with an absence of marginal teeth on the...
Bulbine latifolia var. curvata
Bulbine latifolia var. curvata has a solitary rosette of firm, linear-lanceolate, succulent leaves, distinctly curving downwards. It is a cliff-squatting...
Bulbine meiringii
Bulbine meiringii is an obligate cliff-hanger, with soft, drooping leaves and solitary inflorescences bearing yellow flowers in spring. Plants hang from...
Bulbine mesembryanthoides subsp. mesembryanthoides
Bulbine narcissifolia
The grey-green, laxly twisted leaves and compact inflorescence of yellow flowers and white bracts covering the flower buds, make the strap-leaved bulbine, Bulbine...
Bulbine pendens
This is a dwarf, summer-deciduous succulent with drooping, string-like leaves and ascending yellow flowers from cliffs in northern Namaqualand and the...
Bulbine ramosa
Bulbine ramosa is an obligatory cliff-hugger, with bright green, ascending, pencil-like, tapering leaves and a solitary inflorescence of yellow flowers...
Bulbine rupicola
A dwarf cliff-hugger, with numerous dwarf rosettes of dull green, rounded, soft, succulent leaves from cliffs in the southwestern corner of the Eastern...
Bulbine sceletium
Bulbine sceletium is a cliff-squatting, aloe-like plant with sparingly branched rosettes of soft, pale green, striated leaves and solitary inflorescences...