Plants of the Week
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Erythrophleum lasianthum
A medium to large tree with glossy, dark green foliage and honey-scented flowers in spring and early summer, followed by woody pods that remain on the...
Erica rhopalantha var. rhopalantha
Encephalartos hirsutus
The Venda cycad is an extremely rare and highly sought-after cycad, which is reportedly now extinct in the wild, as a result of illegal harvesting for...
Eucomis comosa
This is one of the sweet-scented species in the genus Eucomis, which is one of the reasons why it is such a popular garden plant. Like other pineapple...
Erica curtophylla
Erica curtophylla produces small pink to dark pink, cup-shaped flowers, mostly in spring, from August to October....
Euphorbia tuberosa
A hardy, drought tolerant plant that is dormant in summer when conditions are harsh, by losing its wavy, grey-green leaves and leaving its succulent stem...
Euphorbia pseudoglobosa
This dwarf succulent has a nearly geophytic habit, with the stems and branches almost entirely subterranean. It flowers in autumn, when it is adorned with...
Erica calcareophila
With the limestone hills of Groot Hagelkraal being its only home, Erica calcareophila occurs on cliffs and rock ledges, showcasing its pure white, urn-shaped...
Encephalartos ngoyanus
Encephalartos ngoyanus is a small cycad with a subterranean stem that is kept underground by contractile roots. This cycad rarely produces suckers, unless...
Eriosema umtamvunense
Eriosema umtamvunense is an erect perennial shrub, with densely hairy stems, leaves and pods, red and yellow flowers in summer, a horizontal woody rootstock,...
Eriosema kraussianum
Eriosema kraussianum is an erect, fairly small, tufted, perennial herb, with its stems covered in silvery silky hairs and with pale yellow flowers. It...
Erica densifolia
This evergreen shrub produces tubular red flowers with light yellow tips, from spring until autumn, and is a great addition for attracting birds to your...
Euphorbia cupularis
Euphorbia cupularis is a compact succulent shrub or small tree characterized by multiple stems and a rounded growth habit. Its striking emerald-green foliage...
Elegia spathacea
This is a small, aesthetic, slender plant, with striking tan-coloured spathes with reddish brown speckles, suitable for planting in containers....
Erica grandiflora subsp. grandiflora
A sturdy fynbos shrub with outstanding bright orange flowers at the hottest, driest time of the year....
Erica cubica var. cubica
Erica cubica displays a mass of deep pink flowers in early summer....
Ehretia rigida
Ehretia rigida is a deciduous small tree or shrub, usually multi-stemmed, with an untidy rounded crown. It has tangled branches which arch downwards or...
Ehrharta calycina
Ehrharta calycina is usually perennial with strongly geniculate culms (stems), red-flowers and a creeping, branched rhizome....
Ekebergia capensis
This is a large attractive evergreen tree that has been used as a street tree in many towns and cities of South Africa, Uganda and the Democratic Republic...
Ekebergia pterophylla
This is a tidy, attractive, evergreen shrub/tree, with sweetly scented flowers, bearing berries....