Plants of the Week
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Encephalartos umbeluziensis
Encephalartos umbeluziensis is a small cycad with an unbranched, subterranean stem which rarely forms suckers. It is a frost-hardy species that grows best...
Entada rheedii
A perennial climbing vine that is used by African traditional healers to induce vivid dreams that enable them to communicate efficiently with their ancestors....
Encephalartos altensteinii
Encephalartos altensteinii is a very ornamental garden plant and probably the most common of all the cycads in cultivation. This species is long-lived,...
Entandrophragma caudatum
This is a semi-deciduous to deciduous tree, with pale green flowers and unusual banana-shaped, woody fruits. It is ideal for a medium to large-sized garden,...
Encephalartos aplanatus
Encephalartos aplanatus is a shade-loving cycad that closely resembles E. villosus. The leaflets of E. aplanatus, however, tend to be wider than those...
Encephalartos arenarius
Encephalartos arenarius is a medium-sized, multi-stemmed, subterranean plant about 1-2 m high. It grows well in semi-shade but can tolerate full...
Eucomis bicolor
Encephalartos caffer
Encephalartos caffer is a relatively rare dwarf cycad in the sour grassveld of the Eastern Cape Province. It appears to be closely related to another grassland...
Encephalartos cycadifolius
Encephalartos cycadifolius is a medium-sized, single to multi-stemmed cycad that is both frost-tolerant and drought-resistant. It is an Eastern...
Encephalartos ferox
A cycad with dark green, arching, holly-like leaves and striking red cones....
Encephalartos friderici-guilielmi
Although Encephalartos friderici-guilielmi experiences harsh growing conditions in its natural habitat, it is very adaptable to different climatic conditions....
Encephalartos horridus
This cycad has been described as one of the most unusual of all the South African species. It has been very over-collected in the past, but sufficient...
Encephalartos inopinus
This unusual, attractive African cycad (comparable to the Mexican companion Dioon or a Cuban Microcycas) tolerates both sun and frost, making...
Encephalartos dolomiticus
The Wolkberg cycad is an extraordinarily beautiful species characterized by its striking blue colour. Adding to its attraction is the tendency to bear...
Encephalartos laevifolius
Encephalartos laevifolius is a tall, slender cycad with even, regular, smooth leafbases. It grows well in full sun and tolerates any soil type, provided...
Encephalartos lanatus
Encephalartos lanatus is normally a medium-sized, single-stemmed plant about 1–1,5 m high. In the garden, it enjoys a position in full sun...
Euphorbia globosa
The Eastern Cape Province is home to the charming and spineless Euphorbia globosa. This dwarf succulent, from a near distance, appears as an arrangement...
Encephalartos latifrons
Encephalartos latifrons is extremely rare and virtually extinct in its natural habitat. It is very attractive with the broadest leaves of all the cycad...
Encephalartos lebomboensis
This cycad is said to be one of the most popular cycads in cultivation, although there is some confusion about its identity. Several populations of what...
Encephalartos lehmannii
This cycad has been described as the hardiest, most drought resistant of the South African species. In the past, many specimens of this cycad were removed...