Plants of the Week
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Plants in the Ruschia genus are among the most striking, versatile and diverse of all succulents in the Mesembryanthemum group of the Aizoaceae...
Ruschia maxima
Ruschia maxima is one of the largest species in its genus. It has characteristically larger leaves than most other vygies and is crowned as the giant...
Restio paniculatus
This is an attractive waterside plant which is normally found growing in waterlogged soils on river or stream banks. ...
Ruellia cordata
Ruellia cordata is known by its softly hairy, greyish leaves and showy pink, purple-blue or white flowers with purple streaks, in spring and early summer;...
Rinorea angustifolia subsp. natalensis
Ruschia promontorii
The Peninsula cliff ruschia is a mat-forming leaf succulent which becomes pendent on cliffs. It is endemic to the Cape Peninsula, where it grows on sea-facing...
Rhynchosia sublobata
A yellow-flowered, indigenous African herb, with twining stems and velvety with silvery grey hairs. Its roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine...
Restio subverticillatus
This is one of the most versatile plants of the large Cape Reed family. It can be planted in the garden but will also do well in a pot on a patio or on...
Radinosiphon leptostachya
Radinosiphon leptostachya is a cormous deciduous perennial plant with slender stems and pink flowers in summer, that thrives in rocky environments amongst...
Rhynchosia caribaea
An indigenous, herbaceous climber; its roots are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of rheumatism and alleviation of headaches....
Ruttya fruticosa
An attractive, dense, evergreen shrub with glossy light to dark green leaves, covered with an abundance of red to dark orange or yellow, two-lipped, tubular...
Rhoicissus tridentata
This shrubby climber has many features that make it an ideal garden subject; it is fast growing, hardy, drought tolerant and deciduous, with decorative...
Rabiea albinota
When in a powdered state, the s'keng-keng is amongst numerous psychotropic plants that are able to alter the mind and mood of an individual....
Restio virgeus
A small restio forming dense, tangled tufts, with curly branches when young, that straighten out when mature and produce attractive, reddish-brown inflorescences...
Ranunculus baurii
See Peltocalathos baurii...
Roosia lucilleae
One of two species belonging to the genus Roosia, endemic to sheer, quarzitic, sandstone cliff-faces in the heart of the winter-rainfall region of South...
Restio similis
A compact, medium-sized, reed-like perennial that makes a wonderful border plant, suitable for planting in groups in the fynbos garden....
Rhizophora mucronata
A conical tree with a distinctive root growth and fascinating growing habit, occurring in the tidal estuaries, lagoons and swamps, as a member of a mangrove...
Raphionacme hirsuta
An attractive, small, summer-growing perennial, with a large, tuberous root and pretty starry flowers in shades of purple, mauve and white, in early summer....
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