Plants of the Week
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Aloe meyeri
A rare, small, cliff-dwelling aloe with drooping rosettes of greyish green leaves and simple inflorescences of small, tubular, orange-red flowers with...
Aloe dabenorisana
Aloe dabenorisana is a rare, medium-sized, cluster-forming, cliff-dwelling aloe, up to 300 mm high, with short, sometimes drooping stems and leaves in...
Aloe framesii
This attractive aloe will enhance contrast in any garden setup with its colourful flowers and astonishing leaves, which are covered with many spots and...
Aloe pavelkae
Aloe pavelkae is a rare, medium-sized, cliff-dwelling aloe, with drooping rosettes of green leaves. It is cluster-forming, with the stems becoming pendent,...
Aloe omavandae
Aloe omavandae is a rare, medium-sized, cliff-hanger aloe, with a drooping rosette of faintly spotted, greyish green leaves and a branched, rarely simple...
Aloe neilcrouchii
Aloe neilcrouchii is the largest and the most robust of the grass aloes (section Leptoaloe), with long, leafless stems, rosettes of white-spotted leaves...
Alsophila dregei
A handsome form plant, with a head of dark green fronds atop a stout trunk, for full sun or light shade. This plant is also known as Cyathea dregei....
Aloe kouebokkeveldensis
Aloe kouebokkeveldensis is a rare, medium-sized, cliff-squatting aloe with a decumbent to ascending rosette of faintly spotted, striate, pale-green leaves...
Aulax pallasia
A needle-leaved, long-lived, evergreen fynbos shrub with male and female flowers on separate plants that look quite different from each other. The male...
Ajuga ophrydis
A perennial herb that can grow 60–250 mm high, with beautiful mauve, white or blue flowers. It is usually distributed in grassland areas and...
Asparagus asparagoides
A scrambling shrub with lovely glossy foliage, for shade or sun, in the garden or indoors, and excellent for flower arrangements, but take note that outside...
Askidiosperma andreaeanum
A very aesthetically pleasing, compact, tufted plant, with a rounded growth form, attractive smooth stems and golden spathes....
Argyrolobium tomentosum
A scrambling, evergreen shrub with yellow flowers in spring and summer; it is a pretty garden plant and is one of South Africa’s magical medicinal...
Acalypha punctata
An unusual herbaceous perennial, with a distinctive and very strong scent, not common in commercial horticulture....
Aloe grandidentata
A low-growing, cluster-forming aloe with attractive, white-spotted leaves and tall inflorescences of pinkish red, tubular flowers in early spring; well...
Allophylus natalensis
A very decorative, evergreen shrub or small tree, which produces tiny, sweet-scented, white to cream-coloured flowers in autumn. It is hard not to notice...
Astroloba genus
Astrolobas are aloes in the miniature and well adapted to their arid karroid environments. They form clusters of stems that are densely packed with small,...
Astroloba subg. Astroloba sect. Astroloba
The species in this section have leaves that are often tuberculed, with one margin of each leaf usually losing its identity near the leaf apex. The relatively...
Astroloba subg. Astroloba sect. Intercedens
The species in this section have leaves that are matt. Their flowers have dull-coloured perianth tubes and cream-coloured lobes. The two species co-occur,...
Asparagus ramosissimus
Asparagus ramosissimus is an evergreen perennial with abundant soft, light green foliage and a cascading habit, suited to the shady garden or patio....