Plants of the Week
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Gorteria diffusa
Commonly known as the beetle daisy, Gorteria diffusa is characterised by intricate dotted patterns on the ray florets, placed around the central disk of...
Gladiolus sericeovillosus
Gladiolus sericeovillosus is a medium-sized, summer-flowering Gladiolus with flower spikes up to 1.5 m tall with dull red, lilac, pink, white or cream...
Gladiolus vandermerwei
Gladiolus vandermerwei is a highly threatened species, occurring in the Ruens Renosterveld areas of the eastern Overberg. This species has become a flagship...
Gladiolus longicollis
Gladiolus longicollis has pale yellow to white, long-tubed, night-blooming flowers that are either uniformly coloured or mottled with brown and have a...
Gladiolus serpenticola
A striking, attractive, summer-flowering plant, with spectacular, giant flower spikes of 18 to 30, small, pale pink flowers with pale mauve markings on...
Graderia scabra
The attractive pink flowers of Graderia scabra easily catch the eye, especially after veld fires. They belong to a small, semi-herbaceous, partly parasitic...
Gladiolus virgatus
Lovers of the outdoors visiting Nature Reserves in the Boland mountains of the Western Cape, will often be enthralled by cheerful displays of pretty pink...