Plants of the Week
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Haworthia mirabilis var. consanguinea
Haworthia mirabilis var. consanguinea is a dwarf cliff-hugger, with numerous rosettes of light green, ovate-lanceolate, succulent leaves and a solitary...
Haworthiopsis scabra var. starkiana
Haworthiopsis scabra var. starkiana is a dwarf cliff-hugger with numerous small rosettes of yellowish green, ovate-lanceolate, succulent leaves and a solitary...
Haworthia cooperi var. picturata
Haworthia cooperi var. picturata is a decorative, dwarf, compact, cliff-hugger, consisting of numerous, small, bright green rosettes of green partially...
Haworthia retusa var. turgida
Haworthia retusa var. turgida is a dwarf, cluster-forming, cliff-hugger, with numerous, small rosettes of light green to reddish succulent leaves, often...
Hypodiscus aristatus
This beautiful tuft-forming restio, with its spikey inflorescences, is seen growing on the mountain slopes in Betty’s Bay and would make an excellent...
Hermannia scabra
Hermannia scabra is an evergreen shrublet with gorgeous, eye catching, bright yellow, bell-shaped flowers in winter and spring; ideal for fynbos and renosterveld...
Haworthiopsis limifolia
Haworthiopsis limifolia is a small, compact, rosulate, leafy succulent that grows singly or in groups. This species is commonly known as umathithibala...
Hoodia flava
Hoodia flava is an indigenous shrublet of southern Africa that is popularly used amongst the Khoi-San people as a hunger and appetite suppressant....
Homeria miniata
see Moraea miniata...