Plants of the Week
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Pavonia praemorsa
Year-round, pretty lemon-yellow hibiscus-like flowers, that each only last for a day, on a low, maintenance hardy, indigenous shrub, with lots of potential...
Pelargonium lobatum
This attractive, hardy, geophytic pelargonium is ideally suited for sandy fynbos gardens, rockeries or pots....
Pyrrosia is a genus of mostly epiphytic and simple-leaved ferns....
Pelargonium articulatum
Pelargonium articulatum is seldom noticed except when it is in flower, then it is one of the showiest of pelargoniums....
Pterocelastrus rostratus
A graceful evergreen tree, or shrub, with a slender stem, a bushy crown and sweet-scented flowers in summer followed by distinctive spiky, orange to reddish-brown...
Protea cryophila
Protea cryophila is a sprawling, densely tufted shrub with attractive pink and white flowerheads and leathery, ascending, inward-folded leaves. It is confined...
Pauridia aquatica
Pauridia aquatica is a small geophytic plant suitable for water gardens and wetlands. Its white, star-shaped flowers with bright yellow centres, make a...
Petalacte coronata
Petalacte coronata produces white flower heads in clusters from June to November. The distribution of the plant seems to influence the length of flowering....
Polhillia ignota
Only known from two records made over 80 years ago, this lost species was recently rediscovered by the Custodians of Rare and Endangered Wildflowers (CREW)....
Phymaspermum appressum
Phymaspermum appressum is a drought resistant, Cape daisy shrub with striking white, fading to pink and finally purple, flowers....
Protea longifolia
A fast-growing protea, which is easily recognized by its extended central mass of flowers with black-bearded tips, and various flower colours of yellow-green,...
Phaulopsis imbricata
Phaulopsis imbricata is a bushy, perennial herbaceous plant, with small white flowers in short spikes that are sticky to the touch. Easy to grow, it is...
Pseudarthria hookeri
This large shrub has vibrant, eye catching flowers in late summer. It earned the common name ‘bug-catcher’ because it is reputed to catch bedbugs...
Pelargonium heterophyllum
Pelargonium heterophyllum is a rare species from the Renosterveld, and one of South Africa’s most endangered plants....
Penaea mucronata
A resprouting shrub, with branches coppicing from a woody base, triangular leaves and yellow to red flowers in spring and summer; found in fynbos, and...
Paranomus dregei
A splendid shrub, with scented flowers that attract many insects, and very much catches the eye with its reddish involucral bracts, creamy flowers and...
Pelargonium rapaceum
This hardy geophytic pelargonium has attractive foliage, unusual flowers and makes an ideal plant for waterwise gardens in winter rainfall areas....
Portulacaria namaquensis
Portulacaria namaquensis is an ascending, slow-growing shrub with pale creamy to yellowish or greyish, pencil-thin stems bearing many very short spur-branches...
Pavonia columella
Pavonia columella, a hardy and aromatic subshrub, shows off its delicate, white to pink flowers all year round....
Pelargonium tricolor
A fascinating, low-growing, floriferous shrublet that displays some of the most amazing natural variation of flower colour forms and shapes....