Medicinal Monographs
We are proud to be hosting the results of the Pharmacopoeia Monographs Project developed by the South African Traditional Medicines Research Group of the School of Pharmacy at the University of the Western Cape with support from the Medical Research Council and other participants. The monographs are presented as .pdf files.
Copyright in these monographs resides with the authors, the South African National Biodiversity Institute, the South African Medical Research Council and the University of the Western Cape. They may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the copyright holders. These monographs were loaded in 2005.
These monographs may be cited in publications as follows:
Scott, G. and Springfield, E.P. (2004). Pharmaceutical monographs for 60 South African plant species used as traditional medicines. South African National Biodversity Institute (SANBI) Plant Information Website at
Plant profiles of many of these plants containing more information and images form part of the Plants of the Week section of this website.
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Medicinal Monographs 2004
by Scott G., Springfield E.P.
Preparations of the leaf juice are taken by mouth to check diarrhoea and to treat tuberculosis and applied externally to burn wounds, sores or to the oral mucosa to treat thrush and ulcers. A gargle/mouthwash is used for sore throat or gum infections.
by Scott G., Springfield E.P.
An infusion is taken orally to treat influenza, colds and bronchial congestion.
by Scott G., Springfield E.P.
Leaf preparations are taken orally for the treatment of upset stomach, bladder ailments, diarrhoea and colic and applied externally to heal wounds and sores, including venereal lesions and snakebite.
by Scott G., Springfield E.P.
This herb is used as an external application to treat sores and inflammation and taken internally for the relief of fever and diarrhoea.
by Scott G., Springfield E.P.
Taken orally to treat arthritis, internal haemorrhoids and urinary tract problems.
by Scott G., Springfield E.P.
A leaf infusion is used as a mild purgative and in the treatment of inflammation, chest colds, hypertension and arthritis. Externally, a leaf infusion or decoction is used as a gargle for sore throat or fevers and applied locally to treat haemorrhoids or oral thrush.
by Scott G., Springfield E.P.
Peeled leaf, applied to a corn, wart, or plantar wart and held in place with adhesive plaster, has the effect of softening hard tissue so that it may be removed after a few days of treatment. A similar treatment is used for boils, abscesses and skin eruptions. Leaf juice is used to treat earache and toothache and applied as a lotion for acne. Taken orally, fresh leaf juice has been used to treat epilepsy and a leaf decoction as an enema for syphilis.
by Scott G., Springfield E.P.
The use of this plant is recommended in traditional practice as a diuretic for the treatment of oedema, as a remedy for gynaecological and gastric disorders, as a diaphoretic and haemostatic.
by Scott G., Springfield E.P.
For the treatment of colic, wind, diarrhoea and acidity in young children; adult use is mainly for digestive disorders and as a bitter tonic to stimulate appetite.
by Scott G., Springfield E.P.
Galenia africana is used to treat venereal sores, wounds, eye infections and skin diseases.