Information Library
Our collection of documents and journal articles about South African plants and related topics.
Veld & Flora
Veld & Flora is the journal of SANBI's partner, the Botanical Society of South Africa. The society has kindly given its permssion for the reproduction of selected articles from Veld&Flora to be displayed on this site. Copyright resides with the Botanical Society and anyone wishing to reproduce material from these journals is requested to contact them.
Veld & Flora 2006
by Smuts Rowena, Thornton Mark
A success story of people and plants in the Richtersveld.
by Wybenga Wim
Hiking and botanizing in Lesotho's Maluti Mountains.
by Dold Tony, Cocks Michelle
IsiXhosa idioms and proverbs reflect a rich bio-cultural heritage.
by Picker Mike, Anderson Rob
In certain 'outbreak years' the natural regulation of the gypsy moth is bypassed, and the caterpillars increase to such an extent that trees are stripped bare of all leaves.
by Claassens A.J.M.
Are fires responsible for the disappearance of some of our butterfly species from Table Mountain?
by Milewski Antoni
How does a nondescript representative of the Myrtaceae family land up in the fynbos?
by Duncan Graham
Know and grow these spring- and summer-flowering bulbs.
by Turner Ross
A brief summary of pre- and post-burn field study at the Kenilworth Racecourse, a valuable lowland vegetation remnant.