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Lotononis calycina
A small flat-growing yellow-flowered leguminous herb graces the dreary Highveld landscape in early spring. This delicate silvery plant highlights the importance...
Combretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum
Combretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum is an attractive, deciduous, small to medium-sized tree that occurs in various savanna regions, often at low altitudes...
Aloe zebrina
Imagine creating a breathtaking desertscape of rocks and pebbles and incorporating patches of Aloe zebrina in your illusion. This aloe is a sure must...
Nuxia congesta
Nuxia congesta is a winter-flowering evergreen tree or shrub, with beautiful large heads of small, scented, long-lasting white or cream flowers. It...
Bowiea volubilis
Bowiea volubilis subsp volubilis has an unusual succulent adaptation - climbing inflorescences that harvest photosynthetic light in the absence of aerial...
Rauvolfia caffra
A fine, fast-growing tree for sheltered gardens, easily grown from seed and an unusually decorative tree for larger gardens and parks....
Polytrichum commune
Polytrichum commune is one of the largest mosses in southern Africa and can grow up to 25 cm high. Its stiff, narrow leaves are spirally arranged at right...
Senegalia nigrescens
Senegalia nigrescens is a deciduous, small to medium-sized tree which occurs in various savanna regions, often at low altitudes, and in rocky areas, on...
Osyris lanceolata
The evergreen, winter-flowering Osyris lanceolata is a blue-green hardy shrub or small tree. Its fleshy, yellowish green fruits become bright...
Cleome gynandra
African cabbage is of economic importance as it is among the herbs that are used as indigenous vegetables in rural areas of southern Africa. Analyses have...
Combretum molle
This is a decorative tree, well suited for a summer rainfall garden....
Withania somnifera
Fruits of this plant were found in a floral collar of the innermost coffin of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. (Mabberley 2008 : 911)....
Citrullus lanatus
Terminalia sericea
Terminalia sericea is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree which grows up to 9 m, but individual trees can reach 23 m in height....
Dipogon lignosus
The Cape sweet pea "is a delicate and beautiful twiner and well worth cultivating" (Pole Evans 1931). This plant is a semi-evergreen, hardy perennial...
Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia
This well known, drought and wind resistant, indigenous plant can grow into a shrub as it is usually multi-stemmed, or a small tree when the lower branches...
Streptocarpus vandeleurii
This is an unusual herbaceous plant that consists of only one leaf with an impressive inflorescence of creamy white flowers that will die once it has flowered...
Zanthoxylum capense
A large number of Zanthoxylum species have been studied and most of them contain biologically active benzophenanthridine alkaloids. Of particular...
Pellaea calomelanos
Lasiospermum bipinnatum
Lasiospermum bipinnatum is a prolific and showy perennial daisy with beautiful white-rayed flowerheads and aromatic leaves. Although it has been recorded...