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Ozoroa obovata var. elliptica
The broad-leaved resin tree is a semi-deciduous to evergreen shrub or tree that is suitable for small gardens....
Salvia namaensis
The petite pretty flowers and water-wise, hardy nature of Salvia namaensis will add herbaceous charm to any garden....
Agathosma collina
The mildly aromatic Agathosma collina is a hardy shrublet suitable for strandveld or coastal areas where it will cheer up the garden with its bright yellow-green...
Cleome gynandra
African cabbage is of economic importance as it is among the herbs that are used as indigenous vegetables in rural areas of southern Africa. Analyses have...
Aloe linearifolia
This aloe is useful for landscaping a grassland garden. It looks spectacular when it is in flower....
Agathosma imbricata
This sweetly scented shrublet is a real gem which not only copes with a variety of soil-types and conditions, but also provides a magical splash of colour...
Salvia aurita var. aurita
Salvia aurita var. aurita is a fast-growing, herbaceous perennial that makes a fantastic groundcover in gardens that can offer a little...
Salvia albicaulis
A white stemmed shrub for sunny spots, which contrasts well with many other fynbos plants....
Erica shannonii
Erica shannonii is one of the most spectacular ericas with its long porcelain-white flowers arranged in clusters at the ends of its branches....
Erica clavisepala
Erica clavisepala is a rare decorative little heath, well suited to fynbos gardens and those on the sandy flats....
Withania somnifera
Fruits of this plant were found in a floral collar of the innermost coffin of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. (Mabberley 2008 : 911)....
Senecio macrocephalus
Senecio macrocephalus is one of the first large pink-flowered senecios to flower in the grassveld in early spring and often shows up as large patches...
Barleria senensis
A hardy indigenous plant suitable for any sunny spot in your garden....
Citrullus lanatus
Nerine filifolia
This floriferous summer-growing plant produces delicate, bright pink flowers which bring a magnificent colourful display to your garden towards the end...
Rhoicissus digitata
This member of the grape family is an attractive hardy creeper with shiny three- or five-partite leaves. It is traditionally used to make jam and also...
Scabiosa drakensbergensis
A bushy scabiosa with large soft green leaves and beautiful, pure white, ball-like inflorescences with flowers packed tightly at the tips of long delicate...
Tamarix usneoides
Tamarix usneoides is an evergreen shrubby tree of semideserts and karooid areas, with short scaly trunk, leafy branches usually extending from ground...
Plectranthus ernstii
Plectranthus ernstii is a slow growing, semi-succulent perennial with swollen stems and a compact habit that resembles a bonsai, ideal for pot plants...
Streptocarpus vandeleurii
This is an unusual herbaceous plant that consists of only one leaf with an impressive inflorescence of creamy white flowers that will die once it has flowered...