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Samolus porosus
Samolus porosus is a very adaptable herbaceous plant found growing in a variety of moist or wet habitats and often under harsh coastal conditions....
Erica brachialis
Erica brachialis is not the showiest of ericas; it is a long-lived, easy-to-grow and discreetly decorative shrub that is well suited to coastal gardens...
Eucomis vandermerwei
Eucomis vandermerwei is a threatened alpine bulb with unusual maroon, fetid flowers and dark green leaves with deep maroon markings and strongly wavy...
Euphorbia clivicola
This is a critically endangered, low-growing succulent perennial endemic to the Limpopo Province. It has short, spiny, 4-angled branches arising from an...
Barleria meyeriana
Barleria meyeriana is an ideal groundcover to cover areas in full sun in your garden....
Roella ciliata
Roella ciliata is a sun-loving, summer-flowering fynbos shrublet with large, showy flowers, but it is not yet well known in cultivation because it is...
Pelargonium hermanniifolium
Pelargonium hermanniifolium is a very attractive Pelargonium with large flowers....
Plectranthus zuluensis 'Lupatana'
Plectranthus zuluensis 'Lupatana' is a white-selected cultivar of Plectranthus zuluensis. It is an excellent pot plant and flowers from late summer...
Gasteria excelsa
Gasteria excelsa is a medium-sized aloe-like plant bearing triangular, spreading, ascending, dark-mottled green leaves and a dense panicle of pinkish...
xRuttyruspolia 'Phyllis van Heerden'
Because of its beauty and prolific, long-lasting inflorescences, the shrub × Ruttyruspolia `Phyllis van Heerden' is now grown in many urban...
Lasiospermum bipinnatum
Lasiospermum bipinnatum is a prolific and showy perennial daisy with beautiful white-rayed flowerheads and aromatic leaves. Although it has been recorded...
Thorncroftia succulenta
Thorncroftia succulenta is a versatile and attractive semi-succulent shrub which makes an excellent and showy garden subject, well suited for hot...
Indigofera nigromontana
Indigofera nigromontana is an indigenous shrub with wonderful horticultural potential, suited to any garden with a continental climate. Its foliage brings...
Vachellia tortilis
A drought-resistant tree with the classic, umbrella-shaped canopy associated with thorn trees. Many bird species take advantage of the protection it offers...
Argyrolobium lunare
At first glance it looks as if there are two similar kinds of plant growing together. This is because most of the flowers are bright yellow and others...
Helichrysum cymosum subsp. cymosum
Helichrysum cymosum subsp. cymosum is a very attractive and easy-to-grow groundcover with small silvery grey leaves, covered with masses of bright yellow...
Streptocarpus cyaneus
Streptocarpus cyaneus is very attractive and is one of the few species of Streptocarpus that produces either white, pink or blue flowers depending on...
Allophylus dregeanus
Allophylus dregeanus, found in the evergreen forest, will greet you with its sweetly scented flowers, surrounded by beautiful butterflies....
Grewia bicolor
The bicoloured-leaved Grewia bicolor has beautiful, bright yellow flowers. It is a frost-resistant, hardy shrub or small tree that is adaptable...
Aloe greenii
Aloe greenii is an excellent rockery plant and makes a good display pot plant in the shade. It has an impressive pink inflorescence that attracts sunbirds....