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Deinbollia oblongifolia

Deinbollia oblongifolia
Common names: dune soapberry (Eng.); duineseepbessie (Afr.); iqinisamasimu, igolo-lenkawu, iphengulula, umuthi-wezithutha, maqinisa, intisamasimu (Zul.); umasibele,
Family: Sapindaceae

... Botanical Garden July 2009 (updated April 2018)   Deinbollia oblongifolia is an erect sparsely-branched shrub ... Seeds are up to 10 mm in diameter and are hairless. Deinbollia oblongifolia grows in coastal thickets, forest, ... many kinds of butterfly. The leaves are browsed by game. Deinbollia Propagate this shrub from seed, in trays filled ...

27 / 07 / 2009 | Alec Naidoo | Pretoria NBG
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